Apex Legends season 9 will introduce a new legend, and a bunch of content that pleases Titanfall fans.
Respawn has ambitions plans to inject more Titanfall into its billion-dollar battle royale Apex Legends. The two games share the same universe, after all. In a recent dev panel, Apex Game Director Chad Grenier says Apex's new season (season 9) will have lots of throwbacks to the Titanfall games.
"Titanfall and Apex Legends are definitely in the same universe. We're not trying to separate them too much. We bring a lot of things from Titanfall into the game almost every season. Next season, season 9, you're actually going to see a ton of Titanfall coming back into the game one way or another,"Grenier said.
"I've told some people before, if you're a Titanfall fan, hang on for season 9, we're throwing some really cool stuff in there.
"We're not trying to separate it at all. It's its own game but it's in the same universe."
So what will season 9 bring? Wall-running? Titan mechs?
In the past, Respawn said mechs wouldn't show up because of balancing issues. The same with wall-running, the popular parkour feature that made Titanfall's multiplayer so frenetic.
Those features may be too much for one season. Remember, it takes Respawn 1.5 years to make a new legend for the new seasonal events. The seasons have a theme centered around the legend, and the character requires modeling, texturing, and backstory, along with the new content features, tweaks, and updates accompanied by the rotating season.
As far as overall thematic focus, Respawn Senior Writer Ashley Reed says Titanfall will always be a big part of Apex's DNA:
"What happens in Titanfall is a war. It's very much a war story. Apex is what happens after the war, hat life is like in this place. So we're trying to integrate Titanfall into that, because Titanfall is very much part of the universe, but it's a piece of something much bigger.
"So we're looking at what Titanfall means to this universe, how has Titanfall changed the universe and the people in it. So it has lasting impacts that are going to become bigger and bigger and reverberate out."