CoD Warzone BR lets you respawn early by winning a 1v1 deathmatch duel

Call of Duty's new standalone Warzone battle royale has an innovative feature for early respawns.

1 minute & 51 seconds read time

Call of Duty's new free-to-play Warzone battle royale will let you respawn early if you die, but you'll have to earn it.

CoD Warzone BR lets you respawn early by winning a 1v1 deathmatch duel 49

Today Activision confirmed Warzone, the new F2P 150-player Call of Duty battle royale, is real. The most interesting feature is the new Prisoner of Warzone mechanic, which gives you a chance to respawn early, but only if you win a 1v1 deathmatch against another player.

When you die in Warzone, you're thrown into the Gulag prison. This the purgatory where you go after you die, kind of like a time-out zone where you're temporarily out of the game. You basically wait around until one of two options for revival presents itself: Your teammates revive you, or you can fight your way out by killing another play in a 1v1 duel to the death.

This way you can keep playing and have some fun even when you're dead, and it sounds like Infinity Ward has spiced up resurrection to ensure gamers are always entertained no matter what. The entire time you're watching other players duke it out in a kind of mini esports tournament that unfolds right before your eyes.

"Upon your first elimination, you will be taken as a "Prisoner of Warzone" and thrown into the Gulag. There you will await your fate and watch other prisoners fight to the death. When your turn is up, you'll enter the Gulag and face-off against a single opponent in a 1v1 to earn the ultimate reward - redeployment. Win in the Gulag and earn redeployment back into Verdansk. Lose and hope that your squad completes Contracts and earns enough in-match Cash to redploy you," reads the Call of Duty blog.

Everything you need to know about Call of Duty's new Warzone battle royale:

  • F2P version is 80-100GB, unlocks on March 10 at 12PM PST
  • MW version is 15-22GB, goes live March 10 at 8AM PST
  • 150 players
  • 50 x 5-team squads
  • Cross-play between PC and consoles
  • Unified progression
  • Creeping gas shrinks map over time
  • Plunder mode is all about collecting cash by defeating enemies and completing mini-objective Contracts
  • 5 vehicles including helicopters and ATVs
  • In-game stations will sell Killstreaks, Redeploy Tokens to bring back fallen teammates, Self-Revive Kits, and more
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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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