Five Tips and Tricks for ArcheAge: Unchained

New to ArcheAge: Unchained? If so, we have some helpful tips and tricks for all players.

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The original game ArcheAge was released back in 2014 and quickly rose to success, garnering many loyal fans. However, many players were turned away from the Pay-to-Win aspects of the game, so the developers decided to offer something new and refreshing. With ArcheAge: Unchained there is no longer a subscription model, players simply need to purchase the game and they can play as much as they want!

Five Tips and Tricks for ArcheAge: Unchained 1

Players get to experience the fantasy world they know and love but this time on equal ground. If you're looking forward to jumping into the game but you're not sure where to start, then we have you covered.

Extra Storage

If you find yourself running low on storage you can buy the Otherworld Storage Chest from the credit shop. This chest is considered furniture and you can put it in your house. The chest comes with 100 slots where you can store all sorts of items that you don't want to carry around. The chest is also only accessible to you so you don't need to worry about another player sneaking into your house behind you, stealing all your gear, and selling it for ArcheAge Unchained gold.

Use Crafting Requests

ArcheAge is a grindy game by nature. You'll spend lots of time grinding up your professions to help you advance in the game. However, don't feel like you need to grind all the time. If you need to upgrade some gear but don't have the required proficiency, you can always post a request asking for another player to craft it for you. Players won't do this for free, of course. You'll have to throw some AA: U gold their way, but it's worth it if you don't have the time to grind or want to save your labor points. Nowadays gold is particularly easy to get in MMO marketplaces.

Drop From Any Height

Five Tips and Tricks for ArcheAge: Unchained 2

Let's say you're on the top of a mountain and see a player walking on the land below and decide you want to swoop down and kill them. You might be worried about taking fall damage, but with this tip, you don't need to. All you need is the Shadowplay skillset and the Drop Back ability for this to work. Simply glide from any height and just as you're about to hit the ground execute Drop Back and you'll be spared from fall damage.

You Can Access the Auction House from Anywhere

A lot of new players mistakenly think you need to visit an auctioneer to access the AH, but you can actually access it from anywhere. There's an icon on the bottom right of your screen that looks like a signpost. When you click on this icon, you'll be presented with three icons, and one of these icons is the auction house.

You Can Plant Right Outside Your House

If you like farming but have run out of space on your plots, you can plant trees and other items right outside your house. Your house is on a plot that has a small amount of outdoor space that's available for planting, so you might as well use it.

There you go! 5 tips to get you started in ArcheAge: Unchained.

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