6G logo revealed, the future is almost here!

5G is barely here, but don't let that fool you that 6G isn't already in development.

1 minute & 28 seconds read time

5G is barely here and while I have a 5G handset myself, Samsung's beefy Galaxy Note 10+ 5G, the speeds aren't doing much for me... so far.

6G logo revealed, the future is almost here! 10

This doesn't mean 5G is goign to stop as it has an unstoppable amount of momentum already, with Qualcomm seemingly leading the 5G efforts globally. This won't stop the development of 6G at all, and now we even know what the 6G logo looks like.

Chinese manufacutrer Vivo Mobile has just registrered a 6G logo with the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) recenbtly... like, really recent, as in Octoebr 22. This is very fresh, just like 6G is. Vivo is already dabbling in 5G-enabled smartphones with its recently-unveiled NEX 3 handset.

6G logo revealed, the future is almost here! 11

Here's the official application, captured by LetsGoDigital.

What can we expect from 6G? Well... it's going to be wicked fast, but I'm sure you know that. We shouldn't expect 6G to really be here for at least another 10 years, with the 6G standard to be finished by 2030.

5G is at about 1-2.5GB/sec right now in perfect conditions, but normal users with 5G-enabled handsets will get something more akin to 100-250MB/sec. This is absolutely more than fine for anything we do right now, including 8K 60FPS streaming (trust me, I actually stream at 8K on my 250Mbps connection, which does around 30MB/sec and you need it for 8K60 - a 100Mbps pipe isn't enough without buffering.

6G should offer somewhere around 1TB/sec... which is simply insanity. This means real-world speeds could be somewhere in the many GB/sec area, and possibly at 50-100GB/sec by the time we get to 2030. What will we even need that for? 16K 120FPS? 32K 240FPS? I don't see this.

But, crazy amounts of data will be thrown around the world by then -- by many more people, and with higher quality assets like 4K, 8K video, high-end gaming, more cloud computing, AI, self-driving cars and everything in-between.

I don't care what it is, just give it to me! I want 6G now.

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NEWS SOURCE:nl.letsgodigital.org

Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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