The E3 showfloor is getting increasingly lonely it seems, with taking a page out of Activision and Disney's book. They too have abandoned the main floor and have instead opted to set-up shop elsewhere for more player-focused events.
They say that it doesn't really make sense considering their free-to-play business model. Speaking to VentureBeat, a representative said that "It's a show that is very centralized on retail product, and as a free-to-play digital download gaming company, we've realized that while the show may be a good fit for lots of other publishers and developers, it's currently not a great fit for us." They have a strong fan-base that is excited to see and hear about the franchises they have, but E3 might not be the venue to do it.
More personal and focused, off-site events might be a better way to show their appreciation. "From a company perspective, we're focusing a large majority of activities on events focused on our players and community," a representative from Wargaming told VentureBeat. Meaning that they want to keep the players at the forefront, giving them the attention they deserve for continuing to play their games.