Pre-load The Division Beta 48 hours before it starts, be the first in

The Division beta test can be pre-loaded 48 hours in advance on all platforms, so says the official french Facebook page.

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The Division's beta test is scheduled for next week and you can make sure you're in on the action as soon as possible by pre-loading it 48 hours in advance.

Pre-load The Division Beta 48 hours before it starts, be the first in |

The information regarding pre-loading actually came from the official French page for The Division, explaining that the 48-hour pre-loading can commence on all platforms. That means that you can prepare yourself on January 26th for the Xbox One, and January 27th on the PS4 and the PC. You'll need at least 26.25GB of space on the PC.

The relatively closed beta test is available only to those that have pre-ordered The Division or those that have been explicitly invited, so not everyone will be able to join in on the fun. But remember that this is a beta test, and Ubisoft is intent on testing infrastructure of the underlying online aspect and to have people see what kind of other issues are in the game. They want to use the feedback we'll provide.

The beta test will end on January 31st for all platforms.


Jeff grew up in the Pacific Northwest where he fell in love with gaming and building his own PC’s. He's a huge fan of any genre of gaming from RTS to FPS, but especially favors space-sims. Now he's stepped into the adult world by becoming a professional student looking to break into the IT Security world. When he’s not deep in his studies, he’s deep in a new game, revisiting an old game, or testing the extreme limits of his own PC. He's now a news contributor for TweakTown, looking to bring a unique view on technology and gaming.

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