Thief is nearly here, will feature support for AMD's Mantle

The Thieft reboot is nearly here, with Eidos Montreal unveiling the PC specs required to play the game.

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Gaming Editor
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Thief will be released in just over a month's time, but Eidos Montreal have decided that now is the time to unveil the PC hardware specifications required to play its reboot of the stealth title.

Thief is nearly here, will feature support for AMD's Mantle |

Square Enix have used Nixxes for the PC version of Thief, the same team who did the great PC port of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and many more over the years. Thief will be released on February 25 in North America, and three days later in Europe, on February 28. It will reach the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, and PC.

There will also be support for AMD's Mantle technology, which will provide performance improvements on GPUs that are compatible. Eyefinity support will be included, as well as AMD's impressive TrueAudio codec.

The specs required:

Minimum system requirements

  • Operating system: Windows Vista with platform update
  • CPU: High performance dual-core, quad-core CPU
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Graphics card: AMD Radeon 4800 series, NVIDIA GTS 250
  • DirectX: DirectX10
  • HDD/SSD: 20GB

Recommended specifications

  • Operating systems: Windows 7 or 8
  • CPU: AMD FX 8000 series or better, Intel i7 quad-core CPU
  • RAM: 4+ GB
  • Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD, R9 series or better, NVIDIA GTX 660 series or better
  • DirectX: DirectX11
  • HDD/SSD: 20GB

Gaming Editor

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Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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