OCZ Vertex 460 Pictured - Barefoot 3 M10 and Toshiba 19nm Toggle

OCZ prepares Vertex 460 SSD with Toshiba 19nm Toggle Flash.

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CES 2014 - The first product born from the marriage of OCZ Technology and Toshiba was displayed today at the OCZ suite. Soon, OCZ will ship Vertex 460, in 120GB, 240GB and 480GB. The new drive will deliver up to 550MB/s sequential reads, up to 95,000 4KB IOPS and uses Toshiba Type C 19nm Toggle flash.

OCZ Vertex 460 Pictured - Barefoot 3 M10 and Toshiba 19nm Toggle 01

No need to beat around the bush with stock pics, we have ours in hand.

OCZ Vertex 460 Pictured - Barefoot 3 M10 and Toshiba 19nm Toggle 02

We can't talk about the performance outside of what OCZ displayed at the suite so the image above tells you exactly what we know right now and exactly what we can say at this point. The cool thing is this, the Vertex 460 is faster than Vertex 450. What we hope to see is a price that is lower than the Vertex 450 and in stock at etailers.

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