Many notebook users out there seldom use their optical drive. Other than installing software, the drives often tend to collect dust. If you are the type of user, who can live without an optical drive and want to get more storage on a Mac OWC has a new product for you.
The new product is called the OWC Data Doubler and it is a bracket that replaces the optical drive inside Apple MacBook computers with a 2.5-inch HDD or SSD. The bracket supports any drive that is 9.5mm tall.
It is worth noting that you have to open your Mac up, remove the optical drive, and install the bracket and drive in your machine. This will undoubtedly void any warranty you might have. There are different adapter models for different MacBook models and they all sell for $79.99.
OWC Data Doubler replaces Mac optical drive with extra HDD or SSD
Repalce that MacBook DVD drive with more storage.
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