Netgear Launches Media Over Coax Adapter Kit

Say goodbye to PowerLine?

43 seconds read time
Yesterday we told you about D-Link's new Coaxial networking system and how it allows you to use existing Coax cable to feed your long range HD needs without using the power lines in the house.

Today we find that Netgear has shoved their version out the door. I have to wonder, after playing with a few different powerline kits if these new Coaxial kits will all be the same technology under the hood and all work together (and at the same level of performance) on the same software.

There is also a rather interesting cartoon to explain the whole Media Over Coax deal included at the link.

Read more here.

Netgear Launches Media Over Coax Adapter Kit

Netgear's coaxial-hijacking adapter kit MCAB1001 MoCA is now available. The pair of devices, which turns your cable outlets into a home networking solution with transfer speeds up to 270 Mbps, is retailing on the company's online shop for a penny under $190, and if you'd like to watch an infomercial on how it works, chock full of oddly-chosen metaphors and trippy visuals, we've got the perfect read link for you just below.

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