NVIDIA go to bottom of the class.

52 seconds read time
It looks like the team over at NGOHQ got a bit board one night and decided to have a look at the Better Business Bureau website and see exactly what the independent agency thought about two of the more important companies in the technology industry.

Wikipedia says that the BBB is:

"The Better Business Bureau, founded in 1912, is not a government agency, but a network of local BBB organizations based in the United States and Canada, which work together through the Council of Better Business Bureau. The BBB goal is to foster a fair and effective marketplace, so that buyers and sellers can trust each other."


It seems that the green team didn't fare so well with an F rating, and while the red team did better the D rating it received isn't anything to get excited about.

You can see a bit more information on what these grades mean over at NGOHQ, while if you want to look closer at NVIDIAs rating or look at some other companies you can go straight to the BBB site.

Where not sure if the BBB carries any real weight in its ratings but it's interesting none the less to see how some of the larger IT companies score like Intel with their A+ or Microsoft with their less attractive D

Shawn takes care of all of our video card reviews. From 2009, Shawn is also taking care of our memory reviews, and from May 2011, Shawn also takes care of our CPU, chipset and motherboard reviews. As of December 2011, Shawn is based out of Taipei, Taiwan.

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