What this means is that for the price of a couple of gallons of paint you can add an extra measure of security to your home or office wireless network.
Of course you will still get leakage from windows and other places that you would not normally paint but it should be able to greatly reduce the amount of signal that wardrivers and other WiFi thieves can use to piggyback on your signal.
Read more here at CNet.
But for the price of a can of house paint, this may very well be one of the most cost-effective ways to secure your office wireless network against hackers and freeloaders, particularly in a time of thrift.
Researchers at the University of Tokyo have blended paint with aluminium iron oxide, which has been found to resonate at the same frequencies used by Wi-Fi, thus canceling out any electromagnetic waves in that frequency. It sounds like really cool Minority Report stuff.
Of course, it's only bound to attract the attention of every hacker out there who can't resist a challenge.