Scientists confirm if mobile phones can cause brain cancer

Researchers conducted a systematic review of the potential health effects of radio waves from smartphones and whether they can cause brain cancer.

Scientists confirm if mobile phones can cause brain cancer
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Tech and Science Editor
1 minute & 45 seconds read time

A new study published in the scientific journal Environment International has analyzed radio wave exposure to the human brain to see if it causes any form of brain cancer in hopes of putting to bed the widespread concern smartphones and other radio-wave-emitting devices cause brain cancer.

Scientists confirm if mobile phones can cause brain cancer 121

The widespread concerns that wireless devices cause cancer can be traced back to many different sources, particularly one study from 2011 that resulted in the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifying radio waves as a carcinogen or cancer-causing. However, the new study published in Environment International used a much larger data set than the 2011 study, leading the researchers to be much more confident in their conclusion, which was that radio-waves wireless technologies, including smartphones, don't cause cancer and cause no physical harm to human health.

Notably, the study was a review of previous studies commissioned by the World Health Organization. In the final analysis, 63 studies on the same subject were included, and the aforementioned conclusion was reached-wireless technologies don't cause any physical harm to humans. Moreover, the team found that even if a human used a smartphone for more than 10 years with an increased call rate that resulted in the device being placed near the head, there was still no association between smartphones and brain cancer.

Scientists confirm if mobile phones can cause brain cancer 98455
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Tech and Science Editor

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Jak joined the TweakTown team in 2017 and has since reviewed 100s of new tech products and kept us informed daily on the latest science, space, and artificial intelligence news. Jak's love for science, space, and technology, and, more specifically, PC gaming, began at 10 years old. It was the day his dad showed him how to play Age of Empires on an old Compaq PC. Ever since that day, Jak fell in love with games and the progression of the technology industry in all its forms.

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