Computer Systems for 2011

Our Computer Systems content sorted from newest to oldest for 2011. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.

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ZOTAC ZBOX AD03 Plus Mini-PC Review

ZOTAC ZBOX AD03 Plus Mini-PC Review

September 6, 2011 | ZOTAC's AMD Fusion-based ZBOX AD03 Plus gets reviewed - a thin media centre PC at your finger tips.

ASRock CoreHT 252B Sandy Bridge HTPC Review

ASRock CoreHT 252B Sandy Bridge HTPC Review

July 13, 2011 | ASRock is out with yet another home theatre PC and this time it is powered by a mobile Core i5 processor for a big boost in performance.

$599 AMD Gaming PC Built and Tested

$599 AMD Gaming PC Built and Tested

May 26, 2011 | Following our $599 gaming PC article, someone said we should see how an AMD one would look. So we did - let's check it out!

$599 Gaming PC Built and Tested

$599 Gaming PC Built and Tested

May 4, 2011 | We check out this budget orientated "Gaming" PC and see what we can do with under 600 Dollars.

TweakTown Commander PC Benchmarked (April 2011)

TweakTown Commander PC Benchmarked (April 2011)

April 25, 2011 | We don't just tell you what you should buy with a $2,000 budget, but also show you what it's capable of so you can make a more informed decision.

Sapphire EDGE-HD Mini PC Review

Sapphire EDGE-HD Mini PC Review

February 25, 2011 | Sapphire see the box and kick it to the curb as they think way outside it with their latest endeavour - the EDGE-HD.

TweakTown's Aussie Flood Appeal Dream System Built and Tested

TweakTown's Aussie Flood Appeal Dream System Built and Tested

February 10, 2011 | For as little as $10 USD you can have a chance to help the people of QLD, Australia and win this bad boy. Let's check out this Dream System in detail!

A video tour of the HP Smart Home at the Cupertino Campus

A video tour of the HP Smart Home at the Cupertino Campus

January 19, 2011 | HP let us into their Smart Home in California for a video tour of the connected house loaded with new tech.

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