Players & Accessories for 2014

Listing of our Players & Accessories content from our TV, Movies & Home Theatre category for 2014.

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Actiontec ScreenBeam Mini2 WiDi Miracast Wi-Fi Adapter Review

Actiontec ScreenBeam Mini2 WiDi Miracast Wi-Fi Adapter Review

November 18, 2014 | Today we take a look at Actiontec's ScreenBeam Mini2, a WiDi Miracast Wi-Fi adapter for wirelessly sending your display to your TV and other devices.

VisionTek Connect Dual Head USB 3.0 Display Adapter Review

VisionTek Connect Dual Head USB 3.0 Display Adapter Review

October 12, 2014 | Do you need to add more displays to your laptop or MacBook? Well, check out Tyler's review of the VisionTek Connect Dual Head USB 3.0 display adapter.

Matsunichi MT20 Streaming Media Player Review - A Chromecast competitor?

Matsunichi MT20 Streaming Media Player Review - A Chromecast competitor?

February 20, 2014 | Matsunichi's new MT20 Streaming Media Player is the latest HDMI dongle on the market. Join us as Charles puts the device through its paces.

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