Lamptron Announces FC5V3 Fan Controller

Lamptron has just launched the new FC5V3 fan controller, which is not only a revision of the FC5V2 but it is a real step forward in the evolution of this kind of products. This fan controller is positioned to become the new datum point in the cooling domain. In fact, the Lamptron FC5V3 has 6 channels and can handle up to 30 W per channel. The new wide LCD display shows all the information (RPM, temperature and voltage) for every channel.

Lamptron Announces FC5V3 Fan Controller 01
Lamptron Announces FC5V3 Fan Controller 02

Moreover, the display allows a new level of customization providing 16 different colors for the illumination of the LCD display. The FC5V3 integrates all the commands directly on the front of the fan controller for an enhanced and quicker access to all the functions. Moreover, the FC5V3 provides an initial 12 V in all the channels in order to make the fans work even if set at the minimum working voltage. The new Lamptron FC5V3 provide all these new features and much more.

Here the list of the new amazing features of the Lamptron FC5V3:

  • 6 channels
  • 30 W per channel
  • New wide LCD display
  • 16 colors to personalize the display
  • Start boost voltage
  • Commands on the front
  • 3 different alarm modes
  • Sleeved cables
  • Black PCB
  • CNC milled aluminium face-plate

The Lamptron FC5V3 will be available in some stores at the end of the current week and the MSRP is US $89 (VAT included).

Last updated: Apr 7, 2020 at 12:08 pm CDT

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