Latest driver unlocks potential of Stream Processors
SAPPHIRE Technology has announced that the next release of graphics driver from AMD - Catalyst 8.12 - will unlock the potential in all the recent generations of SAPPHIRE graphics cards to use the on-board Stream processors for a wider range of computing tasks.
All SAPPHIRE cards are based on ATI graphics technology from AMD, and the new ATI Stream is a set of open AMD technologies that allow the hundreds of parallel Stream processors inside the recent generations of GPUs to accelerate general purpose applications, resulting in PC's capable of delivering dramatically higher performance than using the CPU alone. For example the recently announced SAPPHIRE HD 4870 and SAPPHIRE HD 4850 series of graphics cards each feature 800 stream processors resulting in a massively parallel computing architecture that can now be harnessed for applications outside of graphics - a technique sometimes known as GPGPU.
Several software companies are already developing applications that will utilise Stream processing to accelerate digital image processing and multimedia solutions as well as gaming and productivity tools.
To illustrate the power of this technology, a new version of the ATI Avivo Video Converter utility will be made available in December as a free download. This will enable users of SAPPHIRE video cards to transcode HD video between formats - for example for viewing on a PDA or portable video player - many times faster than was previously possible.
The first ATI Catalyst release to support this technology is version 8.12 - once installed, the driver package automatically turns on the ATI Stream acceleration capabilities of SAPPHIRE graphics cards. This will have the immediate effect of allowing any ATI Stream-enabled application to run faster, with no special effort required by the user to enable this technology. As always, expert users will have the ability to customize their ATI Catalyst driver install options.
Catalyst 8.12 includes significant performance enhancements and support for the latest SAPPHIRE products including the exciting new HD 4850 X2 available only from SAPPHIRE and the recently announced great value SAPPHIRE HD 4830.
For more information on SAPPHIRE graphics products and for driver updates, please visit
About ATI Stream
To ensure easier development of ATI Stream enabled applications capable of running on platforms from multiple vendors, AMD is a member of the Khronos working group defining the OpenCL standard, and is evolving the ATI Stream SDK to be fully OpenCL compliant.
The freely distributed, fully open Stream SDK allows programmers to make advanced use of AMD-based hardware, and helps them to create fast, energy efficient applications on a growing variety of platforms and operating systems.
For more information please visit
Last updated: Apr 7, 2020 at 11:58 am CDT