Brighton - 10th April 2019 -
- 84% of people working in the Games and Interactive industry are looking to move jobs in 2019 and our Salary and Satisfaction Survey tells you why - we also share what levels are most likely to be looking to move on this year and why
- Mixed Reality is the best-paid area to work, both in the UK and Europe. In the USA and Canada people working in Console Games earn the most - we also share the lowest areas to work
- Work/life balance and Exciting projects are the most important aspect of work to those working in the Games and Interactive industry
We regularly talk to a wide range of people across the industry, meaning we have always had an extensive knowledge of what is going on throughout of the Games and Interactive sector. In 2014 we launched our annual Games and Interactive Salary and Satisfaction survey to back up our anecdotal evidence with hard data.
Now in its fifth year, our 2019 survey has been the biggest yet. As well as gathering salary data from across the globe and throughout all disciplines and levels in Games and Interactive, we delve into hot topics including what people see as the most important elements of their jobs, the benefits which they see as most valuable, as well as talking about mental health at work; flexible working; commuter times and the most desirable countries to work in.
"Having the most up to date and accurate salary and satisfaction data for our industry allows our consultants to give the best possible advice to both Client and Candidates." said Giles Fenwick,
Games and Interactive Manager at Skillsearch Ltd. "The information helps us to be even better at our jobs, and sharing it publicly allows everyone we work with (and those we don't) to be as informed as they can possibly be during recruitment processes."
Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 at 05:39 pm CDT