If you had a live feed of Activision headquarters right now you would likely see the a red alarm siren continuously blasting and employees running around like headless chickens, as Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 gameplay has leaked ahead of the official release scheduled in just a couple weeks time.
The leaked content has already spread to numerous social media platforms, and Activision has responded by moving into high gear the number of issued DMCA takedown notices. Unfortunately for Activision, it appears its too late as the videos/images have already been saved and duplicated numerous times, which means the most the publisher can do is minimize the impact of the leaks.
So, what got leaked and how? It appears from reports the leak can be primarily traced back to an anonymous user who used a jailbroken PlayStation 4 to access the multiplayer beta of Black Ops 6 that was uploaded to COD HQ, the launcher that the last three Call of Duty games used.
It appears an update to COD HQ enabled PS4 users with jailbroken consoles access to the multiplayer, revealing gameplay videos, emotes, Sprays, create-a-class perks, critical gameplay games such as using players as human shields, weapons, and the new omnidirectional movement system. The leaks don't stop there, as it appears the entire Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 achievement list has been published online, along with the reworked Zombies mode, multiplayer maps, and more.