New Destiny 3 rumor: No classes, new full game, in development since Witch Queen

A new rumor says that Bungie is working on Destiny 3 under codename Payback, and that the sequel will make sweeping changes to the core of the game.

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New reports may give clues on what's next for Destiny.

New Destiny 3 rumor: No classes, new full game, in development since Witch Queen 31

It sounds like a numbered Destiny sequel may be back on the table. New reports say that Bungie was (or may currently be) working on Destiny 3, which was being crafted under the codename Payback. The info comes by way of a mysterious Redditor whose prophetic words proved to be eerily accurate--they predicted Destiny 2's Prism subclass feature a month before it was revealed.

With this proven win under their belt, everyone is now taking the user seriously and looking into what else is being said about Destiny. According to the source of the leaks, Destiny 3 would essentially remove all barriers to character classes. Abilities and powers would no longer be exclusively available to certain classes--at least that's how it was described.

The post reads:

"Destiny 3 is (was? idk) in development under code name Payback. One of the big changes for Destiny 3 is (was, again idk) for classes to no longer exist and allow any character to spec into any ability since lore wise there is no reason you couldn't (Hunters explicitly learned blink from Warlocks and blink isn't tied to a single element, hence the logic there)."

Hours ago, the user clarified what Destiny 3 actually is.

Destiny 3 will be a fully-fledged sequel like Destiny 2. It's not an expansion or a "Comet," as Bungie had originally described its massive new content updates once upon a time.

  • Destiny 3 is Destiny 3. Not a big dlc. Not a revamp of Destiny 2. Destiny 3, as far as my most recent info goes, is a new game in the franchise. I thought that would be obvious.
  • Project Payback has been in development at least since Witch Queen, but heavily in the background (less resources than Destiny 2 or Marathon).
  • Last I heard about it was late summer of last year, when I learned about the change to allow any guardian to use any ability.

We have to wonder how these plans have been affected by Sony Interactive Entertainment's recent mass layoffs, and the games division's tightening of its development budgets/spending accounts.

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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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