Halo dev leads Netflix's push into prime AAA gaming

Old school Halo developer Joe Staten has been hired to creatively direct Netflix's first major AAA game as the streamer transforms into a multimedia giant.

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Netflix is pushing into AAA gaming, and has conscripted a longtime veteran to help lead the charge.

Halo dev leads Netflix's push into prime AAA gaming 1

Netflix is no longer just a streaming giant. Having pioneered and subsequently conquered the streaming market, the company has ambitious plans to expand and transform itself into a multimedia titan. Following its billion-dollar entertainment push, Netflix has more recently entered the world's most lucrative medium: Video games.

Up until now, Netflix's gaming push has delivered access to mobile games, not blockbuster titles. The new business model gives Netflix subscribers access to a pool of selected mobile titles, however the company has said from the get-go that it would eventually expand to other game types, platforms, and genres.

Now that plan is starting to take shape. Netflix recently hired ex-Halo developer Joseph Staten to help lead its expansion into the major league AAA gaming space. Netflix wants to develop and release a dedicated game on multiple platforms, which signals the company's transformation into a games publisher and break down its walled-garden, and has hired Staten to serve as creative director on a new project.

Staten made the announcement on Twitter:

"In my work life, there's nothing I love more than collaborating with others to build worlds filled with iconic characters, deep mysteries, and endless adventures.

"So today, I'm thrilled to announce that I've joined Netflix Games as Creative Director for a brand-new AAA multiplatform game and original IP."

Staten's resume speaks volumes. The dev has worked on a number of mainline Halo games, including the classic titles developed by Bungie, and more recently came back to 343 Industries to help lead Halo Infinite's creative focus. Staten had served in Microsoft's games publishing division for multiple years.

No information on the nature of the game has been released outside of Staten's comments.

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NEWS SOURCE:twitter.com

Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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