Google Chrome, first released in 2008, and has since become one of the most popular web browsers in the world and now Google is rolling out new updates to reduce battery strain and improve system memory.

These updates were designed to improve the browser's performance and make it more efficient, especially when it comes to how much it impacts battery life and its system memory usage. The updates rolled out two new modes, Memory Saver mode and Battery Saver mode. According to reports, Memory Saver mode reduces memory usage by up to 30% on desktop.
By optimizing the way that the browser allocates and uses memory, Google was able to reduce the amount of memory that Chrome consumes, freeing up more performance for your PC to allocate to different tasks while also making the browser faster and more responsive.

The second update focused on extending the battery life, and according to reports when your device's battery level reaches 20% Chrome will enter into Battery Saver mode that limits background activity as well as visual affects within tabs such as animals, in an effort to preserve battery life. By reducing the browser's power consumption, Google was able to significantly extend the battery life of devices running the browser. This is particularly useful for users who spend a lot of time browsing the web on their laptops or other portable devices.
Overall, the two updates to Google Chrome represent an important step forward for the browser, especially considering the widespread criticism that Chrome is a resource heavy browser.