Ooblets tips and tricks: Where to find clothlets, froobtose, and more

Here's how to get clothlets, make materials and ingredients like froobtose, and how to generate serious gummies in Ooblets.

4 minutes & 21 seconds read time

Glumberland's new game Ooblets is one of the best releases of 2020 and will cure your coronavirus woes. But it also comes with some grinding, curiosity, and strategy. Here are a few basic tips and tricks to get you up and running.

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If you love Animal Crossing, Pokemon, and Harvest Moon, then you really need to try Ooblets. It's available in early access right now on the Epic Games Store for $19.99 and I can honestly say it's worth the investment.

But Ooblets requires some basic understanding in routine-based sims, so we've put together a handy quick-start guide so you can jump in without too much trouble.

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Weed your farm ASAP

Your farm has all sorts of goodies hidden in the breakable rocks, weeds, and wooden logs strewn across its lawn.

Weeds can sometimes give you clothlet seets, which are invaluable.

Rocks will mostly given you nurnies, which are basically watchamacallits used for crafting.

Breaking logs and sticks will give you planklets, which are used in all sorts of crafting recipes and quests.

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Scan Ooblets at the Lernery

Rugnolia will give you 50 gummies for every ooblet you scan at the Lernery, which is north-east in Badge Town.

Each different rarity type counts as a new ooblet, so be sure to scan all grades including common, uncommon, and of course, gleamy.

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Always check for seeds on sale at Meed's Seeds

Every day Meeds will have a new set of seeds on sale at her shop. Buy when they're cheap, especially clothlets, which rarely go on sale.

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Invest in an oobcoop early on

One of the first thing you should use Wishy Well wishes on is an oobcoop. Buy it, build it, and then grab the More Ooblets upgrade. Once that's done, grab the Improved Sprinkler upgrade.

Ideally you want to build sprinklers and oobcoops to hold your ooblets. Only 8 ooblets can follow you at one time (aka Followbabies). The rest have to stay at home (aka Homebabies). Only ooblets that follow you can be used in dance battles.

Ooblets that are set in oobcoops will do chores for you. How much they do depends on the level of the oobcoop. A level 3 oobcoop, for example, will let your ooblets till and water crops, which is invaluable.

But until you get to that point, use sprinklers to water your crops.

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Invest in and plant clothlets ASAP

Clothlets are extremely vital to the game.

Throughout Ooblets, you'll be tasked to upgrade various houses, equipment, etc. and most of them require clothlets.

Soon you'll find yourself without the pesky cloth bundles. So you need some clothlet seeds.

You can buy clothlet seeds from Meeds Seeds early on at 32 gummies a pop, or sometimes find them when weeding your farm. Weeds grow back so check your farm often.

Make a routine

Ooblets is a game built on routines. The game significantly encourages you to think everyday as a new opportunity to grow and find.

Water your crops, check your farm, pet your ooblets, grab some crops, and then head into town to do your dailies.

The idea here is to accumulate as many resources as possible every day, whether its gummies, crops, wishes, tokens, friendships, and of course, new ooblets.

Also remember every day is a fresh opportunity to find those ultra-rare gleamy ooblets.

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Chat with everyone in town every day

Make sure you chat with all the main NPCs in the town every day to build your Friendship Level.

Unlocking new Friendship Stickers will net you resources, tools, and ooblet accessories.

You'll also get badges, which means more wishes to spend on upgrades.

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Check all the houses every day

While you're on your daily NPC sweep, check all the houses and shops. They will sometimes have goodies like gummies and crafting materials, as well as tokens which are used later on when you upgrade each ooblet faction house.

Make this a part of your daily routine.

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Look out for resources, materials, and crops as you make your daily sweeps through town

Items and crops will randomly spaw in Badge Town. Sometimes you'll get the rare oobsidian or curlyhorn by the beach, or the more common sporbet.

Crops will appear in certain locations. For example, sporbets, buttonboys, and boregus will always spawn in grass because they're fungi.

Gastroglobs, seaplops, and curlyhorns will always appear on the sand by the beach because they're shells.

Other items like oobsidian can pop up wherever.

Items and crops will randomly spawn multiple times throughout the day so keep a look out.

Also be sure to check Badge Town often when it's raining. You can find the rare Rainplop resource randomly spawn during rains.

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Reconstitoot Quibtarts

You can reconstitoot the rusty cans in Badge Town for 1 slurry a piece, or you can make your own quibtarts that deliver 14 slurry a piece.

Quibtarts are relatively easy to make. All you need is a quib, which are found hanging on trees in Badge Town, and frubtose, which is acquired by putting a Sweetbeetie into a Crunchster.

You'll get a Crunchster for free as the days go by, so be sure to do missions, sleep, and check your mailbox.

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Visit the Dance Barn every day

One quick way to rack up wishes is to visit the Dance Barn every day and take part in the daily tournaments. You'll get a bunch of wishes as you earn new badges.

Ideally you want to win, of course, and you'll typically get a new ooblet seed as that day's grand prize.

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Biggest tip of all

The biggest tip we can give you is to check out MapleThistle's unofficial Ooblets guide, which has everything from signature moves, all all the ooblets categorized in rarities, and the exact profit values of crops. Use this guide when you're ready to advance to the intermediate or expert levels of Ooblet action.

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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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