The Order 1886 sequel rumor: graphics are truly next-gen

Ready at Dawn rumored to be working on The Order 1886 sequel for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

2 minutes & 53 seconds read time

Ready at Dawn had one of the best-looking games of the year when it released The Order 1886 in 2015, but rumor has it the developer is hard at work on a sequel destined for the next-gen PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles.

The Order 1886 sequel rumor: graphics are truly next-gen |

The Order 1886 was a gorgeous game for the game and while the gameplay didn't match the gorgeous layer of graphics, it seems its sequel will be in a league of its own. The rumored The Order 1886 successor is reportedly in-development at Ready at Dawn, and has graphics that are so good you can't tell the difference between the cut scenes and actual gameplay.

According to NeoGAF poster 'BlackOsiris', The Order 1886 sequel is coming to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X and this poster has seen the trailer for the game. He posted that the game looks out-of-this-world, where he said: "It is the best looking anything that I have ever seen and the character models lighting and physics are on another level. The main character is impossible to confuse with anyone else and this game has not been revealed but I have hinted at it several times. This is not a cut scene or a render target it is actual game play and it is very impressive. Well the end is a cut scene but man... You literally cannot tell the difference and Yes This was definitely all one shot".

The full post explaining what he saw of the The Order 1886 sequel sounds super impressive, as the poster continued: "Man walks into a dimly lit room, light bleeds across the room from a shoulder mounted communication device. It is the most light in the scene. There is a light mist and sparks spew from a torn electrical wire tossing light and particles around as the man cautiously makes his way across the room. His boots leave prints as he walks across the polished floors the dim light showing his reflection in the floor. The wire behind him cracks and slows as it comes to a stop along with all of the other lights in the room shutting off at the same time".

The man covers the device on his shoulder but the light bleeds through his hand. The man pulls a firearm and continues making his way through this large sterile room. A noise behind him and he turns around removing his hand from the device at his shoulder and revealing himself to everyone. The light illuminates the room and a table he had walked past has been knocked over. The table cloth is still slowly settling on the floor along with all of the other things from the table that have been strewn about. Off in the distance a pair of yellow eyes open and fix on the man. (You will know who he is but I cannot say) he raises his fire arm and fires off several shots. The flash from the gun illuminating the darkness as the creature reels then attacks. Another set of eyes opens as it runs across the room at him. You can see the impact of the weapon punching holes in this thing as it makes its way across the room. The man backpedals and falls down (Monster is right on top of him at this point) over something as he is trying to get away

He fires off a few more shots while on his back and scampers to his feet. The monster still chasing he makes his way into the next room and slams the door behind him. You hear a series of clicks and other weird noises coming through the door. The man leans up against it and you hear a deep inhalation come from the other side of the door like the creature is sniffing around for his scent. The man is breathing heavily and removes one hand from the door and clutches his side, blood is running down his side and his pant leg and pooling under the door. Last shot is the creature kneeling on the other side of the door putting one hand to the blood (creature has four arms) then smelling it. "I have found you." He almost sings the words then the title screen shows and that's it.

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Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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