During the Tokyo Game Show 2018, Square Enix has showcased a gameplay video of their upcoming third-person mech fighting title Left Alive. A 10 minute video has been release.
At the Tokyo Game Show, Square Enix showcased to participates Left Alive, the above video has been taken fromn the livestream so unfortunately it is quite low quality. Regardless of the quality we can see some very cool mechanics mixed with some cutescenes, the video goes for about 10 minutes and the mech combat begins at exactly 3:20.
Toshifumi Nabeshima from Armored Core, Yoji Shinkawa from Metal Gear Solid and Takayuki Yanase from Ghost in the Shell are developing Left Alive. At the moment the title has its planned release window for February 2019. For further information regarding the title, visit the official website here.