Brave Software lands deal with Dow Jones Media Group

Blockchain tech BAT set to revolutionise media and advertising.

1 minute & 42 seconds read time

This is one of the most exciting applications for blockchain tech and is a huge win for you, me and the online media companies we interact with! The ad-blocking browser Brave has partnered with Dow Jones Media Group. Why would they do that you ask? Especially when media groups detest ad-blocking software.

Brave Software lands deal with Dow Jones Media Group 190420181

Brave, while people love it for its ad-blocking capabilities, never intended to completely block ads, they want to do it better. They want to deliver more privacy and security, a faster browser experience, fewer middlemen and reward users and content creators.

This is where the blockchain comes in! Brave Software have created the Basic Attention Token (BAT) which will allow for blockchain based digital advertising to value user attention securely and accurately. Brendan Eich, the creator of Javascript and co-founder of Mozilla and Firefox is the CEO of Brave Software and the founder of BAT, wants to help protect users while also making sure content is rewarded appropriately.

Brave's partnership with the Dow Jones Media Group was done quietly, without any fanfare and simply put out through their social media channels once accomplished. Something we don't see too often these days with blockchain based tech companies.

Almar Latour, publisher of Dow Jones Media Group said "We have a keen interest in blockchain, privacy and how digital users interact with content." This is quite a suprising partnership considering the Dow Jones Media Group sent a cease and desist notice to Brave a few years ago!

"If we do it right, it'll create a new ecosystem into which we transplant the viable parts of the current ecosystem -- the users, the publishers and content creators, and the brands who advertise," Eich said. "We're just reconnecting them."

Here is how it works

Brave Software lands deal with Dow Jones Media Group 190420184
Brave Software lands deal with Dow Jones Media Group 190420183

I use Brave and have BAT in my browser. The Brave browser comes with your own unique wallet. I easily transferred $10 worth of bitcoin to my Brave browser wallet from my Coinbase account which was automatically shapeshifted to BAT. As someone who fervently believes in privacy but also wants to make sure content creators and platforms are rewarded... this is the best thing since sliced bread. This is me, choosing where my attention and my money goes without having to worry about my data being sold. AMAZING! Eich explains more in the video below.

What do you think? Do you use Brave? Will you be putting your money where your attention is? Do you care about your data's privacy? Let me know on Twitter @CaseyLPyne!

Casey is the host of the podcast Crypto Talk and one of the founders of After helping people buy their first digital assets she decided she loved nothing more than speaking about and educating people on the Crypto sphere! She is a blockchain tech enthusiast, loves to game although she found it hard to move on from Quake II and believes that we are on the fringe of something very exciting so she is here to write about it!

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