Dark Souls III has already been beaten in under two hours

An individual has handily beaten Dark Souls III in under two hours in a speed run that they've posted to YouTube.

55 seconds read time

Dark Souls III has just been released in the US and seems to be getting fairly decent reviews, not to mention the long and difficult road that you get to embark on. Someone, however, has proven that it might not be as challenging as some make it out to be, by beating it within two hours. One hour and 45 minutes, to be more exact.

Granted, the individual in question didn't exactly use the tactic that's most often thought of in these types of games, nor did they go and completely collect everything within, but they were able to defeat every boss and go through every part that was mandatory to the completion in under the amount of time it might take someone like me to get a handle on how to properly play it. That's fairly impressive. Now we just need a video showing someone beating, and 100%-ing the game in under two hours. It has to be possible, right?

This individual has had a bit more time with the game than we have, of course, with Dark Souls III having been released in Japan on the 24th of March. That isn't to devalue the speedrun, because it's no less impressive of a feat. In a game where enemies are ruthless, sometimes running doesn't always give you the desired effect of surviving like you'd think.

Dark Souls III has already been beaten in under two hours | TweakTown.com
NEWS SOURCE:youtube.com

Jeff grew up in the Pacific Northwest where he fell in love with gaming and building his own PC’s. He's a huge fan of any genre of gaming from RTS to FPS, but especially favors space-sims. Now he's stepped into the adult world by becoming a professional student looking to break into the IT Security world. When he’s not deep in his studies, he’s deep in a new game, revisiting an old game, or testing the extreme limits of his own PC. He's now a news contributor for TweakTown, looking to bring a unique view on technology and gaming.

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