Business tech company SAP brings high-tech to the Super Bowl

SAP provides custom NFL Super Bowl experience, using custom analytics and other fun stuff.

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NFL sponsor and tech giant SAP will help bring technology to the Super Bowl experience, providing updated, custom information for football fans. Both companies have provided real-time team and player stats throughout the season, and will be continually improved for future seasons.

Business tech company SAP brings high-tech to the Super Bowl |

Using its own NetBase analytics software, SAP is going to provide an interactive exhibit for football fans in New York City, running through next Sunday. The information provided is based on data collected from social analytics, compiled throughout the season, including positive and negative team sentiment, team support from fans, and social media buzzword tracking.

SAP and other big-money sports sponsors are getting creative to help boost return-on-investment and company brand exposure. The NFL uses SAP cloud computing software and both companies are in the second year of a multi-year business partnership.

An experienced tech journalist and marketing specialist, Michael joins TweakTown to cover everything from cars & electric vehicles to solar and green energy topics. A former Staff Writer at DailyTech, Michael is now the Cars & Electric Vehicles News Reporter and will contribute news stories on a daily basis. In addition to contributing here, Michael also runs his own tech blog,, while he looks to remain busy in the tech world.

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