GoDaddy CEO Kills Elephant, Reinvokes Colonial Oppression of Africa

GoDaddy CEO shoots elephant to save vilage, but just starts riot instead.

34 seconds read time
GoDaddy CEO Kills Elephant, Reinvokes Colonial Oppression of Africa 407

There is just something really, really wrong with this video.

GoDaddy CEO Cecil Rhodes- I mean, Bob Parsons, is the new Great White Hunter. He has successfully saved an African village from a terrible, awful elephant that was allegedly destroying their crops, like, every day.

In all fairness to Parsons, the villagers did ask him to help them out, but what's with the video? Like this shot:

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Was this really necessary? What's the moral here- you kill one elephant for fun, give it to a village, throw some hats on some people and blast the AC-DC?

GoDaddy CEO Kills Elephant, Reinvokes Colonial Oppression of Africa 409

Evidently the smell of the rotting carcass in the hot African sun drew many more villagers to the site, and "Mayhem Ensued". Does anyone else feel uncomfortable when they watch this? Shades of an Imperialist past I guess.
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