Opera says Windows 7 "tweak" not enough

wants competition restored.

40 seconds read time
Ok, I do not know about you but I am getting a little tired of all the whining going on over IE8.

After MSFT said they would remove the option to use IE in Windows 7 for the EU it looked like people would finally be happy. However that is not the case for Opera.

No they claim that not have IE available to the user (but leaving the rendering engine etc on the OS) is not enough. Apparently removing the IE option and allowing the buyer/OEM/VAR to put whatever browser they want is not going to "restore browser competition on the desktop". Gee since there will be no browser available to the user doesn't that mean the user is free to choose?

I suppose they will not be happy until MSFT is forced to do their job for them and not only bundle Opera into Windows but pay for it too.

Really quit complaining and just get over it. Honestly it just gets old.

Ok rant done.

Opera says Windows 7
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