Google Exec Trial Postponed until the 18th

None of the Execs showed up for Court.

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Yesterday we reported that several Google Executives would be tried for violation of Italy's privacy laws. Well, the trial started today but none of the Google Executives showed up for court.

The judge in the case has postponed the trial until February 18th. This is going to be a very important case as it will determine if US based companies are responsible for content shown in other countries (in this case Italy) that violate existing laws.

I am not sure how this is viewed by other people but to me it shows a flagrant disregard for the laws of other countries. The US (especially the entertainment industry) is fond of trying to force its laws on other countries but for some reason has a hard time respecting those same countries laws in return. (I am a US Citizen and I think this). The issue with Pirate Bay comes to mind.

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Google Exec Trial Postponed until the 18th

They are David Drummond, Google's Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, Peter Fleischer, Global Privacy Counsel, George Reyes, former C.F.O., and Arvind Desikan, previous head of Google Video Europe. The defendants are jointly accused of defamation and failure to exercise control over personal data, which is based on Google's airing of a cell phone video that showed a boy in Turin, Italy with Down Syndrome being taunted by several of his classmates.

The video was posted over 2 ½ years ago on YouTube and was removed from the site after a complaint was lodged about the video. Google claims that it has sympathy for the victim of the taunting and the reason it allowed the posting of the video was so that the persecutors of the victim would be caught, which they were.

A lawyer representing a charity for people with Down Syndrome indicated that public opinion is in Google's favor. Guido Camera, the attorney for the organization who brought the claim, said, "The absence of legislation in this sector makes this an important test case.... My clients are seeking an important clarification of the legal issues. The verdict will clarify whether Italy's 2003 privacy law must be respected by someone who distributes images in Italy but has his servers in the United States. It will say whether the law was applicable and whether it has been respected."

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