Emma Tucker
This person is no longer active at TweakTown. Their content is listed below.
- December 2016
- Minecraft Xmas mash-up DLC out now for various editions
- Pokémon Sun and Moon TCG expansion will land early 2017
- Amazon deal smashes Final Fantasy XV price in half
- Xbox One defeats PS4 in online Black Friday sales
- New Lego Worlds game release scheduled for February 2017
- Facebook debuts 'Instant Games' app worldwide
- Free Titanfall 2 multiplayer trial launches this weekend
- November 2016
- Planet Coaster's latest game update 1.0.1 goes live
- Resident Evil 7 cross-save will feature on Xbox One & PC
- ESO goes free for Xbox One for 5 days starting 23/11/16
- Catch a level 10 Salamence Pokemon in Sun & Moon Edition
- Nintendo classic Wave Race could make a future return
- Samurai Shodown VI compatible for PS4, available Nov 22
- New Christmas themed Skylander joins the figurine team
- Microsoft's Games With Gold Promotion is available now
- Zelda themed escape rooms tour the United States in 2017
- New Assassin's Creed film art features more cast members
- Super Mario Run launches on Nintendo 3DS next month
- Nintendo Europe Tweet special 3DS Badge Academy app deal
- Xbox One sales dominate PS4 sales in the last 4 months
- Nintendo drop new 3DS XL colours for customers in Europe
- Sony announce new camo coloured DualShock 4 controller
- Siegecraft Commander available on consoles in Jan 2017
- Nintendo UK pre-order Super Mario Bros. Maker with perks
- PlayStation VR headset unavailable on Amazon UK website
- Xbox avatars can now update their wardrobes with onesies
- Dragon Quest 8 releases for Nintendo 3DS on January 20
- Black Friday Sales leak console bundle prices for $250
- Super Mario Run will be debuting on Unity this December
- Get in on the hot PlayStation Store update game deals
- October 2016
- Barlog shuts down hopes of unveiling God of War at PSX
- Crash Bandicoot debuts on Netflix: Skylanders Academy
- L.A plays host to League of Legends Championship Finals
- Stan Lee's LA Comic Con 2016 launches 28-30th October
- Microsoft UK: Surface Pro 4 & Book include Xbox One S
- Borderlands bundle deal out now for Xbox One users
- Mario Kart 8 tops charts with 8 million sale units
- Hyperlight EX game out this November for Nintendo 3DS XL
- New Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter game out now
- League of Legends table top game sets the mood for fun
- Rockstar gets into the Halloween spirit with GTA Online
- Microsoft drop Shocktober sale a week before Halloween
- Microsoft begins Xbox One S deals, includes Gold access
- Blizzard talk rewards in World of Warcraft patch: 7.1
- Pokemon GO in-game Halloween event set for Oct 26 to Nov
- Xbox Live Gold subscribers get 4 new games next month
- Pre-order Skyrim-themed Monopoly game for March 2017
- Nintendo releases Special Edition: Lime Green 3DS XL
- Bethesda throws a massive game sale on Steam
- New Moto Racer 4 gameplay trailer revealed
- Skyrim hasn't yet been confirmed for the Nintendo Switch
- Blizzard announces a new voice chat app for desktops
- Oceanhorn hit record sales, teases Switch development
- New Plants Vs Zombies: Heroes launches on iOS & Android
- 30% discount with Nintendo's Europe Birthday Promotion
- Watch Metallica's themed gameplay trailer that failed
- Dead Rising 4 has 18 holes of mini golf to play through
- Star Wars Battlefront DLC pack announced for November 18
- Download Bungie's 2.4.1 patch update for Destiny now
- Hearthstone game costs players a pretty penny to play
- Maroon 5's new video clip pokes fun at Pokemon GO
- Scary items revealed for Rocket League on October 18
- Friday 13th gets a bitter-sweet delay scheduled for 2017
- Riot Games drop a Sandbox scoop for League of Legends
- Pokkén Tournament gets another Pokémon added to the list
- Halloween theme announced for The Elder Scrolls Online
- 3 great Xbox 360 titles become Xbox One compatible
- Dark Souls 3 DLC trailer showcases new content and modes
- Ubisoft release the soundtrack for Just Dance 2017
- Ubisoft Uplay store releases October game special
- Batman Telltale Series: A New Order, lanches October 25
- Geeks-Line list Nintendo 64 Anthology at bargain price
- Super Mario speedrun record broken again within a week
- Drool release Thumper 3 days before it's release
- Resident Evil 7 will be released with a new save mode
- Yesterday's Origins delayed due to manufacturing issues
- Sony has a huge week ahead with game & VR releases
- Overwatch is now home to over 20 million players
- 'Cuphead' gets delayed into 2017 on Xbox One and PC
- Unauthorised man enters a house using the Pokemon Go app
- Tales of Berseria: Collector's Edition coming Jan 2017
- EA teases 3 new free games for EA Access, coming soon
- Former PvZ devloper creates new Octopus destroying game
- Good Smile launch famous Resident Evil figure for sale
- Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition grants early access
- Niantic release Pokémon GO app for 11 new countries
- Another 3 classics join Xbox One backwards compatibility
- September 2016
- Pre-order Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess figures now
- Dragon Quest Builders FREE demo now available for users
- Latest Final Fantasy XIV patch loaded with new content
- Batman VR is finalised but Rocksteady wants to move on
- New scoop on latest Destiny DLC 'Days of Iron' amour
- New Fallout Shelter update features sticker set on iOS
- Pottermore website can generate Patronus via online test
- Dark Souls III's Ashes of Ariandel new trailer released
- Dragon Ball Fusions lands on Nintendo 3DS on December 13
- Harmonix release new themed DLC pack for Rock Band 4
- Star Wars Battlefront expansion, patch notes available
- Pokemon games coming to Nintendo's next-gen NX console
- Microsoft release Minecraft Favourites Xbox One S bundle
- Niantic CEO isn't spilling the location of Ditto Pokémon
- New Dead Rising 4 trailer showscases character upgrades
- BioShock Collection streaming problems begin
- Rainbow Six Siege Starter Edition is just $15 on Uplay
- Pokémon GO Buddy System, not only cute but useful
- Battlefield 1 custom Xbox One S console costs $449
- FIFA 17 has updated features for Xbox 360 & PS3
- Canadians using phones to game more than other devices
- Microsoft converts classic Xbox 360 games for Xbox One
- Super Mario Run announced as timed exclusive for iOS
- Red Dead Redemption Remastered could be announced soon
- Digital art download for Leauge of Legends avaliable now
- Batman: Return to Arkham drops on October 18
- Batman: The Telltale Series second episode hits Sep 20
- Marvel: Avengers Alliance will disappear on September 30
- Disney Magical World 2 for 3DS arrives on October 14
- Mafia 3's post-release content already teased
- 4 new amiibo added to The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Nintendo's new retro console 'NES Mini' debuts 11th Nov
- Free Minecraft mini-game: Tumble, download avaliable now
- August 2016
- CON MAN game has arrived on Apple & Android devices
- Ubisoft culls four PC games due to lack of popularity
- Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice hits the Nintendo 3DS on Sept 27
- Microsoft gets comfy Down Under with new Xbox Onesie
- Injustice 2 teases Harley Quinn and Deadshot for 2017
- Xbox One S controller bringing new perks to gaming