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Hellboy Reboots just for the hell of it, trailer released

Jak Connor | Dec 20, 2018 2:00 AM CST

Stranger Things star, David Harbour goes down to the depths of hell and comes back in the form of Hellboy for a reboot. The first trailer has already been released.

Hellboy Reboots just for the hell of it, trailer released

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly the actor gives some explanation toward what to expect in the story. Harbour says that this reboot is "not an origin story, but it's his coming to terms with where he came from. He's been Hellboy for a long time, but there's a new turn of events at the start of the film, where people start to bring up the fact that he might bring about the end of the world, and it's really the first time he's heard anything like that. The question that comes up in the movie is where does he really belong?"

The other actors that will be featured around Harbour will be Resident Evils Milla Jovovich as the Blood Queen, Ian McShane as Professor Broom, Daniel Dae Kim as Ben Daimo and Sasha Lane as Alice Monaghan. The director for the reboot is Neil Marshall and he has previously done work for HBO's Game of Thrones, Netflix's Lost in Space and movies such as Dog Soldiers and The Descent. The reboot for Hellboy is planned for release in theaters on April 12th, 2019.

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Disney Pixar release short film 'Bao' - A Mother & Son story

Jak Connor | Dec 19, 2018 5:00 AM CST

Disney Pixar has surprised us with a newly released short film revolving around the ups and down of a mother and son relationship.

Disney Pixar release short film 'Bao' - A Mother & Son story

The above short film is titled "Bao" and is directed by Domee Shi. From the video we get visual representations of the hardships of being a mother and watching her son grow up. Bao, which is the mother in this story, gets another shot at motherhood when magically one of her dumplings becomes alive. Instantly emotionally attached, Bao watches the little dumpling quickly grow up while at the same time protecting it as best she can from the threats of the outside world.

Eventually, Bao is forced to face the realization that her little dumpling cannot be little forever, and just like any mother and son relationship the mother must realize that the son has to grow up and live his own life. A tragic turn of events happens when Bao is confronted by the moment of "letting go" of her dumpling and decides to eat him instead, throwing her into pit of regret and remorse. Bao is then greeted by her human son who seems to be regretful of the way he previously treated his mother (the dumpling is a complete metaphor to the human son), he then makes an effort to mend the relationship between the two.

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Mortal Engines movie could HARDCORE fail, $42m made so far

Jak Connor | Dec 17, 2018 3:00 AM CST

From the director of the legendary Lord of the Rings movies, Peter Jackson's most recent project titled Mortal Engines could be a catastrophic failure, with expectations of the movie losing upwards of $100 million.

Mortal Engines movie could HARDCORE fail, $42m made so far

Mortal Engines which is based on the novel by Philip Reeve's has released in North America and has only managed to rake in a minuscule $7.5 million. Variety has reported that the sales expectations for the movie have projected an upwards loss of $100 million, some projections even reaching in the higher regions of $125 million. On a global scale, Mortal Engines has only made a total of $42 million so far, while having a budget of $100 million with tens of millions spent of marketing.

It may have been the wrong time-frame to release the film, as at the moment the movie is competing against other big titles such as; "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" and Clint Eastwood's new thriller "The Mule". According to Jeff Bock, an analyst for Exhibitor Relations, "This is a true Christmas disaster and a lump of coal for Universal, they took a big swing, and they struck out." Even though Mortal Engines has already been shown in Russia, the U.K., Australia, and Korea there still could be hope for the movie, as it has yet to open in the China marketplace which is a prominent factor in box office sales.

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Peter Jackson could help Amazon's Lord Of The Rings TV show

Jak Connor | Dec 11, 2018 4:00 AM CST

Most Lord of the Rings fans know that Peter Jackson was the brainchild behind the phenomenal movies, and some fans were curious towards if Jackson was going to assist Amazon on their Lord of the Rings TV show creation.

Peter Jackson could help Amazon's Lord Of The Rings TV show

At the moment Jackson has been working on Phillip Reeve's book series movie 'Mortal Engines' so he has hasn't really had any time to address what the go is with Amazon and their Lord of the Rings TV show. However, Jackson told that despite not knowing anything about the show at the current moment, he is excited to help in anyway that he can on the series.

Jackson said "I don't have thoughts on it because I haven't seen [anything], I think they're going to send us some scripts to see if we can help them along." Jackson also added that due to his busy schedule with Mortal Engines he couldn't of gotten to involved, but regardless "I wish them all the best and if we can help them we certainly will try." It has been speculated that the first season for Amazon's take on Tolkiens universe will be surrounding a Young Aragorn, more on that story here.

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Avengers 4: End Game Trailer, 289 million views in 24 hours

Jak Connor | Dec 10, 2018 5:00 AM CST

Just two days ago, Marvel Studios finally released the first trailer to next years upcoming Avengers 4. The trailer received a lot of traction and has now been deemed the "most viewed trailer in history" with a gargantuan 289 million views in just 24 hours.

Avengers 4: End Game Trailer, 289 million views in 24 hours

The announcement comes from the Marvel Studios official Twitter and has used the metric of measuring all of Marvel's channels and totaling all of the views. To give a comparison, the Avengers: Infinity War trailer scored a huge 230 million views just over the course of its first 24 hours of release, and the newly released Lion King trailer managed 224.6 million views.

Diving into what the trailer shows us now, just as expected Marvel have left us with a plethora of questions to be answered. After the last moments of Infinity War and the epic cliff hanger that everyone has been left on, we ask ourselves what will the Avengers do and how much time has passed since the dreaded snap. We see Scott Lang or Ant Man at the end of the trailer, if you have seen Ant Man and the Wasp we know that Lang was trapped in the quantum realm or at least we assumed so. It appears he has survived the snap and has returned to help. We also see an angry and now violent Hawkeye which is now converted into the new hero Ronin.

Continue reading: Avengers 4: End Game Trailer, 289 million views in 24 hours (full post)

The first trailer to Avengers 4 rumored to drop TOMORROW

Anthony Garreffa | Nov 27, 2018 10:47 PM CST

Disney is on a roll right now with the first teaser to The Lion King dropping a couple of days ago, and now it's rumored that the first trailer to Avengers 4 will drop in the next 24 hours.

The first trailer to Avengers 4 rumored to drop TOMORROW

The first Avengers 4 trailer was rumored to have meant to drop on Black Friday, but it didn't obviously. Avengers 4's first teaser or trailer is meant to drop on November 28, which would surely light up the internet and all cinema and MCU fans. Collider will be hosting a special screening of Avengers: Infinity War and an extended Q&A with directors in the Russo Brothers.

This special screening and Q&A session with the Avengers 4 directors will take place at ArcLight Hollywood in the Cinerama Dome on Wednesday at 6:30pm, and it's totally free. The cinema can host 850 people, so it will be a first-in situation. Since the Russo Brothers will be in attendance and the internet is hot with rumors of Disney and Marvel dropping an Avengers 4 trailer, they'll be hit with millions of questions of "when will the Avengers 4 trailer drop" questions.

Continue reading: The first trailer to Avengers 4 rumored to drop TOMORROW (full post)

Game of Thrones Season 8: 'longer than 60 min' each episode

Jak Connor | Nov 15, 2018 2:00 AM CST

Game of Thrones will be getting its final season next April and as we move closer to the release of the first episode we are starting to learn about each episodes runtime.

Game of Thrones Season 8: 'longer than 60 min' each episode

In a recent Reddit AMA, David Nutter, director of half of the final Game of Thrones episodes and the man behind the slaughter of the Red Wedding, answered a few questions regarding the coming season. One of the questions was regarding the episodes within Season 8 and their runtime, according to Nutter "Season 8 episodes will all I think be longer than 60 minutes. They'll be dancing around the bigger numbers, I know that for sure."

Being a massive Game of Thrones fan this is to be completely expected, we already knew last year that we were looking at almost movie-long episodes as we were riding on the cusp of that from last seasons episodes. The final season of Game of Thrones is going to be one of the biggest finales TV has ever seen, so hearing that each of the episodes are around 1hr+ is a great sign for fans, because we are going to want as much Game of Thrones as possible before it departs from the big screen.

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First live action Pokemon Detective Pikachu trailer released

Jak Connor | Nov 13, 2018 4:00 AM CST

The first trailer for the Pokemon Detective Pikachu movie has been released onto the Warner Bros. YouTube Channel and from it can see star, Ryan Reynolds hanging up the Deadpool costume to step into the shoes of furry cheeky detective.

First live action Pokemon Detective Pikachu trailer released

The trailer showcases to fans what a world would be like if Pokemon were real and lived in harmony with humans. We are introduced to 21-year old Tim who is looking for his missing dad when he encounters a Pikachu, the catch is that Tim is the only one who can hear Pikachu talk.

Pokemon Detective Pikachu is based off the Nintendo 3DS game that has the exact same title, the game featured a world where Pokemon solved crimes instead of traditionally battling eachother with humans. It truly is quite strange to see Pokemon in the realworld, I personally forgot that if Pokemon were real they would definitely be as hairy as what we see in the above trailer. It should be noted that Pikachu is played by none other than Ryan Reynolds and is accompanied by Justice Smith (Tim) from Jurassic Kingdom: Fallen World. Detective Pikachu will be arriving in theaters May 9th, 2019.

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Disney confirm Loki TV show/Star War series on Disney+

Jak Connor | Nov 9, 2018 2:00 AM CST

Disney CEO and Chairman, Bob Iger has revealed through a live audio webcast that Disney has chosen to name their upcoming consumer streaming service Disney+. The service will feature some brand new shows such as a new Star Wars series and a Loki series.

Disney confirm Loki TV show/Star War series on Disney+

The announcement has also been featured on The Walt Disney company wesbite through a blog post. According to the blog post, Iger announced that Lucasfilm currently has in the works a "Star Wars Live-action sereis" that will begin production next year. The series will be based around the Rebel spy Cassian Andor and will follow the "formative years of the Rebellion and prior to the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story."

Star Wars won't be the only franchise getting some love on Disney's new platform, Loki, one of Marvel's fan favorite characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe will also be receiving his very own series. Loki will be played by none other than Tom Hiddleston. Disney also plan on expanding some universes of other shows, such as; Disney & Pixar's Monsters Inc, Disney Channel's High School Musical and more. Disney plan on releasing Disney+ to the public sometime in late 2019, for more information visit the official Disney blog post here.

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Witcher TV show reveals Henry Cavill in full Geralt costume

Jak Connor | Nov 1, 2018 1:00 AM CDT

Overnight, Netflix revealed to excited fans the first on set glimpse of Henry Cavill, who is playing the main role of Geralt in the upcoming Witcher TV series.

Witcher TV show reveals Henry Cavill in full Geralt costume

The reveal came in the form of quick 30 second video that showcased Cavill walking up to the camera in his full costume. We can see from the video that Cavill has adopted a silvery white wig and also is wearing some makeup to bring out Geralts strong cheekbones. Cavill appears in a classic leather tunic and proceeds to drink a potion, we can also notice an adaption of colored contact lenses, these are of course to acquire the effect of Geralts cat-like eyes.

It is hard not to notice, but Cavill does not have a beard in this video. Many fans have commented within the Netflix post saying that Geralt or Cavill needs to develop a beard for this role. It should be noted, as much as a beard would look good on Cavill the Netflix adaptation series is based off the novels written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. Throughout those novels Geralt mentions that he does not like having a beard and much prefers a clean shaven face. Within the entirety of this post you will find an excerpt from the novel 'The Time of Contempt' where Geralt is talking to his close friend Dandelion regarding his beard.

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