Intel 6 Series Chipset Problem - End Customer Q&A

Intel® 6 Series Chipset Problem - End Customer Q&A

Intel 6 Series Chipset Problem - End Customer Q&A |

Q: What exactly is the problem of Intel 6 Series Chipset?

A: The problem has been stated that after a period of usage, the SATA2 ports on Intel 6 Series B2 stepping chipset motherboards might experience some performance loss or decrease. This issue will apply to all Intel 6 Series Express chipset based motherboards. However, it will not be an issue for systems that connect to any SATA3 ports (refer to your GIGABYTE User Manual for the layout/location of the SATA3 ports). For more information please refer to "Alert for Intel® 6 Series Express Chipsets
and Intel® Xeon® C200 Chipsets users" which release by Intel, Jan 31st, 2011.

Q: What models have been affected by this issue?

A: All GIGABYTE P67/H67 series motherboards embedded with the B2 stepping 6 Series Express
Chipsets are affected.

Q: What action should be taken if I own/purchased a GIGABYTE 6 Series motherboard?

A: GIGABYTE stands behind all our products, and is committed to the highest quality product and customer support services. We recommend you return your product to your place of purchase for a refund. GIGABYTE is working with our vast network of distributors, and retailer/online dealers to streamline refunds with minimal inconvenience to end customers.

Q: Does GIGABYTE offer a swap policy for GIGABYTE 6 Series motherboards?

A: GIGABYTE will do it's best to reduce any disruptions. Corrected product will be available near the end of April (pending Intel production schedule). We encourage all customers to return their affected product for refunds now. Those customers electing to keep the current flawed motherboard and wait two months for a similar replacement motherboard will need to register, and sign a release waiver form. Contact GIGABYTE Customer service department for this option. (email:, or phone (626) 854-9338, option 4)

Q: When will the replacement be available?

A: According to Intel's production plan, the 6 Series B3 stepping Express Chipset will be available in volume by April. GIGABYTE will then, based on Intel's shipping schedule, produce new motherboard models.

For further information or inquires of the GIGABYTE 6 Series motherboard, please contact your local distributer or visit the GIGABYTE website at

Last updated: Apr 7, 2020 at 12:03 pm CDT

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