Zombie Shooter - Death Hospital: the Dark Souls of Zombie Games

Hello, survivors! If you haven't heard, there is a brand new awesome shooter game available now on Google Play Store called Zombie Shooter - Death Hospital, it is truly the Dark Souls of Zombie Games. Download it here: https://goo.gl/akqkwf. It is the AR game you cannot beat. It is difficult and rewarding!

So what can you expect in this game? You can aim the gun by moving your gadget (gyroscopic aiming) or by dragging the screen with your finger. You will surely feel your blood pumping as the adrenaline builds, as you fight off the horde of zombies. There are tons of content in the game to unlock, but it won't be easy. Zombie Shooter - Death Hospital is a game for people who want to take on a challenge just like Dark Souls. So, you will surely get rewarded for your hard work.

What can you look forward to in this game? There are 13 Sectors in Story Mode, and each Sector have at least 2 to 3 Places, each with their own set of challenges. There are 50 Places in the game in total, and completing challenges earns you Gold. With Gold, you can buy boxes from the store to unlock guns, survivors or items.

Guns give you better weapons to kill zombies while Survivors and Items give you different stats, like health and damage buffs. There are 12 guns in the game, that range from shotguns, pistols, and rifles. There are eight different survivors to rescue like the Cheerleader, the Soldier, and the Nurse. Lastly, there are 19 different items such as health packs, armor, melee weapons, and much more. So choose wisely, you'll need all the help you can get in this hospital of death, there are no bonfires.

Keep an eye out for any new updates and don't forget to always go for the head shot.

Good luck Survivor!

Game Features:

  • Realistic zombie shooter
  • Control your Aim using the Gyro Sensor
  • Horrifying 3D Graphics
  • Over 10 Powerful Guns to Unlock
  • Gain access to over 19 items that will aid you
  • Save the 8 Survivors to Upgrade your Stats

About Zombie Shooter - Death Hospital

"Zombie Shooter2 - Death Hospital" is a free-to-play augmented reality shooter developed by Playpark.Co., Ltd. In this game, you play as a journalist who must survive a horrifying zombie outbreak. Fight against all odds as you collect weapons and items to help you stay alive and save survivors along the way.

Official Links

  • Download Zombie Shooter - Death Hospital in Google Play Store: https://goo.gl/akqkwf
  • Zombie Shooter - Death Hospital Facebook Page: https://web.Facebook.com/ZSDeathHospital/
  • Playpark Official Website: https://playparkgo.wixsite.com/mysite

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