FSR 3 and Frame Generation could hit Xbox Series X this year and debut in Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle from Machine Games and Bethesda is a PC and Xbox exclusive, and there's a good chance it will support FSR on both.

2 minutes & 24 seconds read time

AMD just announced FSR 3.1, which brings a couple of significant updates to the company's upscaling and frame generation tech for PC - image quality improvements when upscaling and decoupling frame generation so it can run with other upscaling technologies like DLSS or as-is.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle from Machine Games and Bethesda is a PC and Xbox exclusive, image credit: Xbox.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle from Machine Games and Bethesda is a PC and Xbox exclusive, image credit: Xbox.

AMD has also included support for the Vulkan API and Xbox in the update - specifically, "Xbox Game Development Kit (GDK) support." Although FSR 3 upscaling and frame generation have been available on PC for a while, they have yet to make their console debut.

The new FSR 3.1 update only hints at the update arriving "later this year," but mentioning Vulkan and Xbox in the same sentence does suggest that we might see its support in Xbox's big first-party holiday release - Indiana Jones and the Great Circle from Machine Games and Bethesda. Hear me out.

Machine Games, best known for developing the most recent Wolfenstein games, has a knack for creating visually impressive action-packed first-person experiences. The studio also collaborated closely with id Software, working on the recent Quake remasters and using id Tech for all its games. With its first-person perspective, the assumption is that Indiana Jones and the Great Circle uses the latest id Tech version.

What does this do with FSR 3 and frame generation on Xbox Series X|S? id Tech on PC supports DLSS and ray-tracing via the Vulkan API. Even though Xbox is purely a DirectX machine, with Indiana Jones and the Great Circle launching on PC and Xbox, the only way it can support FSR 3 on both platforms is with FSR adding Vulkan and Xbox support, which is exactly what AMD has done with FSR 3.1.

Either way, it sounds like FSR 3 upscaling and frame generation are coming to Xbox this year, so expect to see Microsoft and the Xbox team discuss it in future updates - especially in light of the PS5 Pro leaks detailing Sony's new AI-powered upscaling called PSSR.

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NEWS SOURCE:community.amd.com

Kosta is a veteran gaming journalist that cut his teeth on well-respected Aussie publications like PC PowerPlay and HYPER back when articles were printed on paper. A lifelong gamer since the 8-bit Nintendo era, it was the CD-ROM-powered 90s that cemented his love for all things games and technology. From point-and-click adventure games to RTS games with full-motion video cut-scenes and FPS titles referred to as Doom clones. Genres he still loves to this day. Kosta is also a musician, releasing dreamy electronic jams under the name Kbit.

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