Razer Basilisk Ultimate is customization & high performance all-in-one

The Razer Basilisk Ultimate is the ideal mouse for streamers in terms of comfort and performance.

2 minutes & 55 seconds read time

Do you remember the days of wireless mice having a delay? Well, those days are definitely behind us, and a great example of how far wireless mice have come is the Razer Basilisk Ultimate.

The Razer Basilisk Ultimate comes with a plethora amount of features, and while most of those are customization options via Razer's software, there's still a tonne of hardware features that gamers should know about. According to the Razer website, the Razer Basilisk Ultimate comes with what is called "hyperspeed wireless" technology, and Razer claims that this technology is 25% faster than any other wireless technology available.

Not only does it have top-shelf wireless technology, but it also sports extremely low latency, 11 programmable buttons that can be customized to whatever the user desires. This mouse wouldn't be designed by Razer if it didn't come with a bunch of customizable Razer Chroma lighting zones. So, as you would probably expect, the Basilisk Ultimate comes with what could be considered as too many lighting zones (there's never too many lighting zones).

The Razer Basilisk Ultimate has 14 programmable lighting zones, and each of these lighting zones can be changed to an individual color via the Chroma Studio in the Razer Synapse software. This adds a brand new level of customization to your mouse, and not only can you change the color of the mice's zones, but you can also change the color of the charging stand.

Let's talk about the Basilisk Ultimate's hardware. Razer has decked out the Basilisk Ultimate with everything a gamer would need for a worthwhile wireless mouse. Here's what the Razer Basilisk Ultimate is packing; a ridiculously good sensor (Razer Focus+ Optical Sensor), a great mouse switch (Razer Optical Mouse Switch), long battery life (100 hours), on-board memory (5 on-board memory profiles), a light-weight ergonomic design (107g), and much more.

RGB action:

Razer has gone above and beyond to make sure its gamers can customize their mouse to whatever their heart's desire is. Gamers can change the color of their mouse via the Chroma Studio software, and luckily this is all built-in with Synapse. In Razer Synapse, users can simply select what piece of Razer hardware they want to tweak and immediately be presented with a slew of different options. The same goes for color changing, simply click on "studio" and bam, you are now changing the Basilisk Ultimate's colors.

The simple layout of Synapse really allows even the not-so-experienced gamers to navigate around the software and change whatever they want. For instance, when using the Basilisk Ultimate, users will be presented with five different categories for customization; mouse button customization, performance, lighting, calibration, and power.

Razer is aiming this mouse at gamers (obviously), but due to its ergonomic design, comfort, customizable options, and overall performance it's ideal for streamers as well. The Basilisk Ultimate comes with an extremely long-lasting battery, which is perfect for long streaming sessions, and even if the Basilisk Ultimate runs out of battery mid-stream, it can simply be used in wired mode. Games such as Apex Legends also dictate what colors the Basilisk Ultimate changes to. which is an extremely nice touch when you are streaming.

The Razer Basilisk Ultimate is currently available for purchase from the Razer website for $169.99, and if you are after any more information regarding the Basilisk Ultimate, check out this link here.


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Razer Basilisk Ultimate HyperSpeed Wireless Gaming Mouse

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* Prices last scanned on 6/13/2024 at 12:03 am CDT - prices may not be accurate, click links above for the latest price. We may earn an affiliate commission.
NEWS SOURCES:razer.com, press.razer.com

Jak joined the TweakTown team in 2017 and has since reviewed 100s of new tech products and kept us informed daily on the latest science, space, and artificial intelligence news. Jak's love for science, space, and technology, and, more specifically, PC gaming, began at 10 years old. It was the day his dad showed him how to play Age of Empires on an old Compaq PC. Ever since that day, Jak fell in love with games and the progression of the technology industry in all its forms. Instead of typical FPS, Jak holds a very special spot in his heart for RTS games.

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