TechOn gets engineers to tear down Sony Google TV

Google TV from Sony torn down.

1 minute & read time
We really like our teardowns around here. If you take your shiny new gadgets and rip them apart so we can see if the are as pretty inside as you we will watch. We may make fun of you behind your back for killing a perfectly good gadget, but we will watch. Generally, a tear down involves a geek and your average set of tools. TechOn has torn down one of Sony's Google TV sets and had to get help from some engineers to do it.


After laying the Sony NSX-24GT1 on its screen, the tear down started with the simple removal of a few screws to open the case up. Things quickly became much more complicated as the engineers helping with the tar down got into the boards the set uses. There are gobs of cables inside there with three circuit boards with one being the TV board and one an Android board and the other a power supply.

The heat sinks were soldered to the boards over the SoCs they keep cool. The team removed those heat sinks, but they had to use a soldering iron to remove them. After getting that heat sink off you can see, the chips underneath that are the brains of the connected TV. It appears from the tear down that Sony uses a single chip for its sets sold globally. The TV isn't as interesting on the inside as the Microsoft Kinect that was torn down not too long ago.

Shane is a long time technology writer who has been writing full time for over a decade. Shane will cover all sorts of news for TweakTown including tech and other topics. When not writing about all things geeky, he can be found at the track teaching noobs how to race cars.

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