VLC Player finally gets Windows Store Approval

After fixing all the issues with the BETA version, VLC finally receives an approval from Windows apps store and will be listed soon.

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VideoLAN crew worked on Windows 8, RT and phone app version of VLC player with the help of Kickstarter fundraiser. After a year's time, the group's hardwork paid off as its player has finally received approval, and soon will be listed in Windows app Store.

VLC Player finally gets Windows Store Approval 1

The VLC player will be released for Windows 8, 8.1 and RT. After the release, the company will be starting to work on the windows mobile version of the app. The BETA version had several audio issues, along with other development issues for the Windows OS.

VLC Player finally gets Windows Store Approval 2
VLC Player finally gets Windows Store Approval 3

Earlier, VideoLAN said that it will first release VLC player for Windows 8/8.1 x86 first and then RT, though the next comment said that VLC player for Windows RT will be submitted 'soon'.

NEWS SOURCE:nextpowerup.com

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