"US NAVY" on TweakTown

We found 26 items for the tag: US NAVY

tagUS Navy, NATO and NASA have all been exposed to shady Chinese encrypted chips

Multiple US government agencies, including NASA and the US Navy, have been exposed to encrypted Chinese chips that were used for the storage of data.

tagUS government releases unclassified 2022 report on UFOs

A new report has been released by the US government detailing a plethora of potential UFO or UAP sightings by various US military branches.

tagSecret US space plane finally lands back on Earth after milestone 908-day flight

The mysterious X-37B spaceplane operated by the US Space Force has finally landed back on Earth after spending an astonishing 900 days in orbit.

tagTop secret US military plane passes 900 days in orbit while on mystery mission

The United States military X-37B plane that was launched from Earth in 2020 has recently passed 900 days in orbit while on its mysterious mission.

tagUS Navy confirms it has multiple videos of UFOs they can't show you

A spokesperson for the US Navy office has confirmed the Navy has in its possession unseen UFO videos that it cannot release to the public.

tagThis huge liquid-metal 3D printer has been loaded onto a Navy ship

The massive ElemX printer by Xerox can print liquid aluminum in three dimensions, enabling the USS Essex to make custom creations.

tagWorld's deepest shipwreck discovered, a US WWII ship sunk in 1944

An American exploration team found what is now considered the world's deepest shipwreck that was sunk during World War II.

tag'Historic' laser weapon system test by US Navy destroys passing drone

The U.S. Navy has completed tests of its all-electric, high-energy laser weapon made by Lockheed Martin against high-speed drones.

tagUS Navy ghost ship fires missiles, without a single human on-board

Department of Defense shows unmanned ship, USV Ranger, successfully firing SM-6 missiles without a single human being on-board.

tagUS Navy's new mysterious weapon is designed to stop human speech

The US Navy has been constructing a new weapon for three years that is designed to covertly inhibit humans from being able to talk.

tagNew UFO update: US Navy shares sighting of underwater 'Tic Tac'

A US Navy individual has come forward to talk about his sighting with a 'Tic Tac' object that was seen operating under the water.

tagIs the interstellar tourist Oumuamua and recent UFO sightings linked?

Could the interstellar visitor 'Oumuamua be scanning Earth, and are the UFOs recently seen play a part in its observation?

tagBrand new UFO footage shot from US Navy ship will be released soon

A UFO investigation is being conducted by a network that has said it will be releasing a new UFO video shot from a US Navy ship.

tagAstrophysicist says why he isn't impressed by the 'alien' UFO videos

A top astrophysicist has published an article about how he isn't impressed by the recent UFO videos that have caused a big stir.

tagUS Navy captures 'spherical' UFO on video disappearing into the ocean

A video taken aboard the USS Omaha shows a UFO flying parallel to the ocean before it quickly drops into the water to disappear.

tagUS navy fired 30 warning shots at fast-approaching Iranian warships

A US coast guard ship has fired thirty warning shots at thirteen Iranian vessels that were fast-approaching US navy ships.

tagUS Navy tests new laser weapon system, destroys aircraft mid-flight

US Navy tests the first high-energy class solid state laser, capable of blasting planes out of the sky mid-flight.

tagPentagon releases UFO footage taken by US Navy pilots

COVID-19 coronavirus might be dominating headlines, but the Pentagon just released official UFO videos.

tagUS Navy supercomputer: 290,304 CPU cores, 590TB RAM, 14PB storage

AMD EPYC CPUs will power US Navy supercomputer with 290,304 cores, alongside 112 x NVIDIA Volta V100 GPGPUs.

tagUS Army bans use of TikTok, called it a cyber threat

US Army joins US Navy in banning TikTok on government-issued phones.

tagUS Navy removes touchscreens after 2017 destroyer collision

The US military will be removing touchscreens from their destroyers after 2017's collision that killed 10 crew members.

tagUS Navy hacked, 130,000+ sailors' personal data leaked

130K+ sailors have their personal data leaked, with the US Navy hacked on October 27.

tagUS Navy's new $4.4 billion sub is still broken

US Navy's expensive new $4.4 billion destroyer is still broken, probably needs a day one patch.

tagMicrosoft getting paid millions to support Windows XP for US Navy

US Navy pays millions to Microsoft for additional Windows XP support.

tagThe US Navy unveils its own e-reader that is safe for submarine use

The US Navy has just released the NeRD, a e-reader device that is designed for use on ships and submarines thanks to is simple and plane design.

tagUS Navy creates the five-pound 'smallest guided missile' in the world

The US Navy has developed a 5-lb. missile that can be launched from a variety of targets - and is an extremely cheap solution for guided missiles.

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