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"DESTINY 2" on TweakTown - Page 1

We found 146 items for the tag: DESTINY 2

tagValve reveals the top-grossing Steam games of 2024 by revenue

2024 is over, and Valve has revealed the top best-earning PC games on Steam from last year...and the list is full of newcomers and old GAAS titans.

tag'We have to re-earn your trust,' Bungie says after Destiny 2's testy 2024

Bungie community lead admits that the studio has a lot more work to do to regain player trust, and that Bungie is committed to Destiny for the long haul.

tagAmazon's video game TV show 'Secret Level' trailer leaks revealing star studded cast

The trailer for 'Secret Level,' an animated anthology series created for Prime Video, has leaked via Telegram, revealing the cast for the upcoming show.

tagDestiny 2's new content roadmap may be a result of 'Sony discipline'

Bungie is exploring new frontiers with Destiny 2 and plans to completely change up how new content is rolled out...and it may be at the behest of Sony.

tagDestiny 2 gets new skimmer hoverboard

Back to the Future's very own time-hopping Marty McFly would approve of Bungie's new futuristic hoverboard vehicle in Destiny 2, aka the 'skimmer'

tagThe Final Shape may determine the fate of the Destiny franchise

How well The Final Shape expansion does may determine the fate of the Destiny franchise moving forward, Bungie plans to make it better than The Taken King.

tagDestiny 2 is missing Bungie's revenue targets by nearly 50%

Destiny 2 is missing Bungie's annual revenue targets by nearly 50%, leading to layoffs of around 100 developers that include some 20-year Bungie veterans.

tagBungie makes the perfect choice for its new Zavala

Land Reddick will always be Zavala to millions of Destiny players, but Bungie has made the perfect choice in who will now carry on Reddick's legacy.

tagDestiny 2 is the next game players are tricking AI sites into posting about secret boss Glorbo

Glorbo strikes back! The fake character created by Redditors to trick AI newsbots into posting articles is now a secret boss in Destiny 2.

tagDestiny 2 season pass price increases after Sony acquires Bungie

Bungie has announced plans to increase the price of its standalone season passes by 20%, passes now priced at 1,200 silver ($12) instead of normal $10.

tagBungie's new change makes Destiny much more rewarding

Bungie's latest update removes lots of extra busywork management and changes Destiny 2 into a much more rewarding, fulfilling, and enjoyable experience.

tagWorlds collide in epic Destiny 2 x Assassin's Creed crossover

Destiny 2's Lord Shaxx and Saint-14 show up in Assassin's Creed Valhalla as custom armor and item sets as AC Valhalla ends its final rollout of content.

tagDestiny 2 Lightfall's new enemies: Shadow Legion and Tormentors

Bungie delivers a closer look at the new enemies in Destiny 2's upcoming Lightfall expansion set for 2023, including the Shadow Legion and Tormentors.

tagDestiny 2 is getting an incredibly important new feature in 2023

Destiny 2 is getting one of the most important in-game features that will help new and old players connect, communicate, and play activities together.

tagLightfall sets the stage for a unique, colorful future for Destiny 2

Bungie is starting to break barriers and hint at a unique and colorful future of the Destiny franchise that goes beyond the typical Light vs Dark saga.

tagDestiny 2 Lightfall: New darkness strand subclass adds grappling hook

Destiny 2's new Lightfall expansion adds a brand new Darkness power called Strand, adding a grappling hook that can connect to any area of the game.

tagBungie to reveal Destiny 2 Lightfall on August 23

Bungie will hold a special new Destiny 2 reveal live stream on August 23 that details the next major expansion in the series.

tagBungie never wanted to make Destiny 2 and had a vision for single game

Bungie still has no plans to make Destiny 3, says they didn't want to make Destiny 2 and instead had a vision for a single game.

tagBungie may have as many as 4 new projects in the works

Bungie could be working on as many as four new projects, including Destiny 2 expansions, new IP, and multiple unannounced games.

tagDestiny 2's Witch Queen is a huge success and it's not even out yet

Destiny 2's new The Witch Queen expansion is already a thunderous success and it hasn't even released yet, pre-orders skyrocket.

tagDestiny 2 is about to lose an entire expansion's worth of content

Bungie confirms plans to rotate an entire expansion's worth of content out of Destiny 2 in order to make room for new content.

tagDestiny 2's The Witch Queen expansion is the beginning of the end

Bungie confirms the end of Destiny 2's massive light vs dark saga will start with its ambitious new Witch Queen expansion in 2022.

tagDestiny 2's new glaive nods to Squall's gunblade in Final Fantasy 8

Destiny 2's new Witch Queen expansion adds a first-person glaive weapon that slices, stabs, and even shoots mid-range projectiles.

tagMacabre Witch Queen Savathun questions truth in new Destiny 2 teaser

Bungie delivers a brief teaser and gives us a first look at Savathun, the Witch Queen ahead of Season of the Lost's big reveal.

tagBungie to rotate out Forsaken story content to reduce confusion

Bungie wants to reduce confusion and overwhelming content for Destiny 2, so they're also rotating out story missions/campaigns.

tagDestiny 2 to get cross-play in mid-August during Season 15, lots more

Bungie outlines the major features coming in Season 14 and Season 15, including cross-play between PC, PS4, and Xbox One players.

tagDestiny 2 maintains consistent 120FPS variable 1440p on PS5, Series X

Bungie has significantly optimized Destiny 2 to leverage the PS5's and Xbox Series X's tech with consistent 120FPS gameplay.

tagCross-play is finally coming to Destiny 2 in 2021, Vault of Glass too

Bungie finally gives a timeframe for Destiny 2's full cross-play integration, but it may not happen until the next major expansion.

tagBungie promises new Destiny content will cater to original fans

Bungie's vision for Destiny's evolution is centered around core fans and original players, aims to bring back good old days.

tagDestiny 2 hits 4K 60FPS on PS5, Xbox Series X with custom FOV slider

Bungie confirms perf targets for Destiny 2's free next-gen upgrade on PS5 and Xbox Series X, 4K 60FPS possible with FOV slider.

tagDestiny 2's Steam migration ends December 2020

Destiny 2's account transfers will stop working this December, so migrate your game content over ASAP.

tagMicrosoft buying Bungie and Destiny makes no sense, here's why

Rumor has it Microsoft tried to buy Bungie & Destiny, but Bungie squashes the rumor. It didn't make sense from the get-go though.

tagHappy 6th birthday, Destiny: A look back at Destiny's 2014 beta

Destiny just turned 6 years old, and it's changed a lot through the years. We take a closer look back at the old beta from 2014.

tagDestiny 2's big new Beyond Light expansion delayed to November

Bungie pushes back Destiny 2's new ambitious Beyond Light expansion as it adapts from work-from-home team collaborations.

Is my PC good for games like Valorant, Destiny 2, LoL, and others?Is my PC good for games like Valorant, Destiny 2, LoL, and others?

Ask the Experts: Andre from Austria wants to know if his gaming PC is good to go for games like Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and League of Legends.

tagVault of Glass raid is coming back to Destiny 2, but not in 2020

The famous Vault of Glass raid is coming back to Destiny 2, but only in 2021.

tagDestiny 3 cancelled, Destiny 2 to carry into 2022 with new expansions

Bungie officially confirms Destiny 3 isn't in development, and Destiny 2 is the future of the franchise.

tagBungie embraces Netflix-style content rotation to maintain Destiny 2

Destiny 3 isn't happening, and Destiny 2 will continue to grow. Bungie's new plan to keep Destiny 2 viable and manageable takes some cues from Netflix.

tagDestiny 3 and Bungie's new IP are a long ways away

Bungie is still planning Destiny 3 (and possibly a new IP) but Destiny 2's seasons are at the forefront.

tagDestiny 2's Season of Dawn calendar timeline revealed

Bungie outlines what's coming to Destiny 2's new season, and when.

tagDestiny's best Guardian is back with new Season of Dawn

Destiny 2's latest season heralds the return of the franchise's best character.

tagDestiny 2 all-in-one collection coming to PS4, Xbox One, PC

A new Destiny 2 collection is coming, and it packs in all expansions and previously released content.

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep Review: Hello MoonmenDestiny 2: Shadowkeep Review: Hello Moonmen

Bungie's latest expansion is its best yet, and ushers in a new era for the sci-fi shooter.

tagDestiny 2 is massively popular on Steam

Destiny 2 amassed over 226,000 peak players on Steam today.

tagDestiny 2 on Steam requires hours of data unpacking

Console players get in quicker.

tagThis four-hour Destiny lore recap video is the best thing ever

Get ready for Shadowkeep with this comprehensive recap of Destiny's sprawling lore.

tagBungie: Activision let us do awesome things with Destiny

Bungie doesn't disparage Activision, Destiny breakup was mutual and amicable.

tagThe Vex are coming in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep's Season of the Undying

Bungie teases Shadowkeep's first Season of the Undying event.

tagDestiny 2's will soon rotate content in and out rather than just add

New Destiny 2 seasons will rotate old content out as new content is added.

tagDestiny 2's crunch will help streamline Destiny 3

Destiny 2's strong crunch motivates Bungie to find a streamlined solution for the franchise's future.

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