Squad's Next Generation of Modding Tools Arrive Alongside Canadian Armed Forces Faction Reveal

VANCOUVER - July 26, 2019 - Offworld Industries announced today the launch of Modding 2.0, the next generation of tools built to enhance the way modders share their work with the Squad community. Players who want to see what the Squad community is capable of can download the tactical shooter for free this weekend on Steam starting 10 a.m. PDT Friday, July 26 - 1 p.m. PDT Sunday, July 28. Offworld Industries also revealed the Canadian Armed Forces, a faction that originally started as a mod, as the first official free DLC coming soon to Squad.

Watch how the Canadian Armed forces operate in Squad:

Canadian Armed Forces mark Offworld's first step towards including community created content into Squad's base game. This free expansion adds additional weapons, vehicles, and more, giving one of the world's most well known armies some well-deserved spotlight. Additionally, the update includes two Canadian maps, Quebec and Nanisivik, featuring snowy environments built for intense combined-arms combat.

Stay tuned to the Offworld Industries Twitch channel where they will reveal more details about the Canadian Armed Forces faction and their Squad debut today at 1 p.m. PDT: https://www.twitch.tv/joinsquad

Showcasing what Squad's new modding SDK can do is Space Crew - a total conversion mod inspired by classic sci-fi thrillers. Players take the role of a Survivor who must work carefully with their team to solve puzzles and survive. Make a wrong move, and they'll become prey to a menacing creature known only as the Raptor. Space Crew is available to play later today by subscribing on the Steam Workshop or joining a server running the mod.

Check out this trailer to see Space Crew in action: https://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=Qea441-D4zI

"We knew the moment we saw Canadian Armed Forces that it was going to be something special. It was only natural for us to reach out and give them the support they needed to continue creating quality work," Dustin Ross, Director of Customer Experience at Offworld Industries. "Offworld Industries lives and dies by our community so we want to ensure they have the tools they need to succeed. With the launch of Modding 2.0, we're positive Canadian Armed Forces will be the first of many great community projects we will incorporate into Squad."

To learn more about Modding 2.0 and the power it brings to modders, head over to the Offworld Industries community blog post here.

Follow Squad on its official website and social media for more information:

Website: https://joinsquad.com/

Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/squad

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/joinsquad

Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/JoinSquad

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoinSquad

YouTube: https://www.YouTube.com/user/JoinSquad

About Offworld Industries

Offworld Industries was founded in 2014 by a group of game modders and military veterans on a mission to create compelling games. True to its humble start as a group of developers behind the acclaimed Project Reality mod, Offworld Industries is an independent game development and publishing studio. It also licenses the O.W.I. Core coding system to partners which provides an agile development framework for new titles. Offworld Industries has published two military simulator games - Squad, the studio's internally-developed modern tactical FPS, and Post Scriptum, a World War II team-based FPS developed by Periscope Games. For more information about Offworld Industries, please visit: https://www.offworldindustries.com/

Last updated: Apr 7, 2020 at 12:12 pm CDT

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