Science, Space, & Robotics - Page 483
The latest and most important Science, Space, & Robotics news - Page 483.
Japanese battery invented that makes power from vibration
I want my notebook and smartphone to perform well with lots of speed for games and other uses, but I also want the battery to last a really long time. Some of the biggest advances in technology over the next few years will be in the battery market as makers seek to improve the battery to make it last longer and charge quicker. Researchers from Japan have shown off a new battery device that is much more powerful than other batteries of the type.
The little battery is actually a power generator that is able to make power by harnessing vibrations. The battery is made from an alloy of iron and gallium called galfenol that changes shape when exposed to a magnetic field. The little battery is able to generate 20x more power from vibrations that similar devices of its size.
It has an energy density of 22mW/cm3. This type of power source has a myriad of potential uses. They could be used for cell phones that charge themselves as you walk. The tech could also lead to batteries for hybrid cars that generate power from the vibrations of driving and batteries for notebooks that get power as you walk through the airport. The little battery is about the size of the tip of a pencil.
Continue reading: Japanese battery invented that makes power from vibration (full post)
New research indicates a manned mission to Mars poses serious health risks
It wasn't all that long ago when it was thought to be impossible for man to set foot on Mars. But that hasn't stopped the likes of NASA researching continuously to find out if there's a way to accomplish it without kicking the bucket (short or long term).
However, recent studies have determined that a mission to the Red Planet would be a significant health concern for those willing to suit up for the 3 year return trip (if a one year stay on the planet is factored in).
The Future of computing is right around the corner
Have you ever sat back and wondered just what direction computing is going? Over the last few days I have had some time to think about it and to be honest I think we are right on the verge of something big.
Intel just pushed Lynnfield out the door, AMD just kicked out DX11 GPUs and a fully DX11 driver package. nVidia is pushing Tegra while Microsoft, Linux and Apple are working on the move to a fully 64-bit computing world.
We are seeing systems becoming more and more simple instead of complex. Lynnfield brought the PCI-e controller for graphics into the CPU cutting out much unneeded data transfer between the CPU, GPU and Northbridge. The next step in this evolution is right around the corner as Clarkdale and Arrondale get their coming out party at IDF.
While the GPU is moving to the CPU at Intel AMD is busy finding new ways to leverage their (previously) highly under optimized and unused Stream Processor. They have also fashioned the GPU into a video splitter, something that required additional and expensive hardware in the past.
From the software side we see newer and faster operating systems. Both Microsoft and Apple have revamped their current offering with speed and functionality in mind.
Continue reading: The Future of computing is right around the corner (full post)
New material one atom thick harder than Diamond
Some really smart people in white coats have discovered a new material that is harder than diamonds and conducts electricity 100 times better than silicon.
Sounds great right? Did I mention it is also only one atom thick?
Once you put those together you have the makings of something to set the computer and IC world on its ear.
The new material is being called graphene and is pure carbon. It is being earmarked for use in touch screens, solar cells and of course high performance computer chips.
The time when we will have graphene in our computers is still a long way off though. As it stands right now scientists have only recently figured out how to make it efficiently. Before they actually had to mount carbon atoms onto tape and then peel the take away to get the graphene layer.
Still there is hope that in the near-term hybrid graphene silicon devices will popup and improve the current silicon only products we use.
Continue reading: New material one atom thick harder than Diamond (full post)
And Robots will rule the earth
Since it is Friday for me I thought I would post up something I found funny.
It seems that in an effort to "Go Green" some thoughtful techs and RTI (Robotic Technology, Inc.) might be working on exactly what the Matrix and Terminator series have been warning us about all along!
The DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in conjuntion with RTI are working on new robots that can run on a diverse range of fuels. Now I know that sounds great, after all something that can run on a range of fuels and not be tied to gas or diesel? But how about running on Bio Matter?
DARPA and RTI are of course suggesting that by Bio Matter they meant rotten vegetables, grasses, etc. But Bio Matter could also mean people. What is to stop "the machines" from getting smart? I mean they could start off small; road kill, cats, dogs squirels but like a crack addict they may come to realize that humans are rich in "biomatter" and come after us. Since these are millitary robots they will have all the advantge. It is like Morpheus said the machines are working to turn us into batteries!
So how does the new robot called Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot, EATR for short (someone has a sense of humor), work? Well is a steam driven (Wow we took a step back) machine that can generate its own internal power from the combustion of the fuels it ingests. It can operate on fossil fuels, biomass and according to some reports solar power.
I can see Sarah Connor, Morpheus, and Charlton Heston all lining up to tell us they were right all along. The machines will take over, quick where is my tin foil hat?
Continue reading: And Robots will rule the earth (full post)
Steve Jobs' health all the buzz with the press
The world just can't get enough Steve Jobs. Despite taking a leave of absence for health reasons the press has gone mad with speculation over his health.
The Sydney Morning Herald has an extremely speculative two page article on what may (or may not be) happening to Jobs now that he is out of the office.
To be honest with you I think he did the right thing be stepping out for a while. I hope the time off does him some good and he is able to get past his current health issues whatever they really are.
Read more here.
Continue reading: Steve Jobs' health all the buzz with the press (full post)
Apple investors may sue over Jobs' Health Issues
It looks like quite a few Apple Shareholders are upset at not being better informed about Steve Jobs' health. In fact some are considering legal action.
Apple has always been notoriously tight lipped about the goings on at the main cult office. However, the withholding of health information on the one person linked to the company's success might be going too far.
Over the years we have watched Apple's stocks go up and down with each new rumor about Steve's health, as of Wednesday the cat was fully out of the bag. Jobs admitted that his health problem was more complex and serious that he originally thought (or disclosed) and would be taking a six-month medical leave. Once that announcement was out Apple's stock value dropped nearly $10 Billion US Dollars.
The question now is did Apple have an obligation to disclose this information to the shareholders earlier.
Read more at the Sydney Morning Herald
Continue reading: Apple investors may sue over Jobs' Health Issues (full post)
Steve Jobs Reveals Truth about Health Rumors
CEO of Apple Steve Jobs sent out a first today. It was a letter directly to the Apple community discussing his health problems.
This is the first time Steve has commented publicly on this and I felt that this needed to get out past the PR letter that was sent around to the MDS service.
I am going to withhold any comments and instead simple post the rather honest letter from Steve Jobs below:
Continue reading: Steve Jobs Reveals Truth about Health Rumors (full post)