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WoW Player makes threats to blow up plane

Sean Kalinich | Jul 15, 2009 7:09 AM CDT

You know maybe we should start a new series of awards to honor people that just do not think...oh wait there is already one of those out. Well ok let's just make sure that this guy gets on the list for one.

According to WBIC in Indiana, an 18 Year Old was online playing World of Warcraft when he made a threat to blow up a commercial airliner. Now this is not something you bandy about in an online community that is monitored. You would not even say this out loud in a public place.

Well you can probably figure out what happened. A Moderator noticed the messages and contacted the authorities about them. The idio...Um I mean the person's IP was found, traced and the FBI showed up at his door.

He was interrogated and now may face federal charges.

His comment to the FBI...

He was testing a theory.

And the winner of this year's award goes to...

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Free set of working NVGs with Modern Warfare 2

Sean Kalinich | Jul 13, 2009 9:14 PM CDT

Ok this has to be the coolest accessory to ship with a game ever.

According to a YouTube video the new Game Modern Warfare 2 will have a Prestige Edition that will come complete with a working set of night vision goggles.

But that is not all, inside this awesome edition of what is going to be one of the best games to hit this year. You get the game, the ability to download the original game, a handy head for displaying your new NVGs, a book full of artwork that is only found on the limited editions and a steel box to keep your DVD in.

The Prestige Edition is available for both XboX 360 and PC. There is no word on pricing yet but you can bet that once they hit the streets they will go fast so on November 10th 2009 I would highly recommend you have cash in hand to grab one of these amazing kits.

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EA Officially Announces Command and Conquer 4

Sean Kalinich | Jul 10, 2009 6:01 PM CDT

If Command and Conquer is your thing you will be happy to know that the slip-up by EA was not a mistake.

It is now official that Command and Conquer 4 will be coming to an overpriced game shop soon. Ok it won't be until 2010 but it is still officially coming.

The new installment is the final chapter in the Tiberium Saga. We can only hope that this one will be up to the rest of the series.

GameSpot what appears to be some nice screen shots up on their site although it is too early to tell if they are actual game play or not.

EA has also announced a rather nasty surprise for console fans, this one will be PC only.

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Sony CEO not concerned about Activision threats

Sean Kalinich | Jul 8, 2009 9:10 PM CDT

Remember when we told you that Activision was considering dropping Sony if they did not lower some pricing? Well Sony has spoken up about the original comment and it is not a very nice comment either.

It seems that Howard Stringer (Sony CEO) feels that Robert Kotic (CEO of Activision Blizzard) "likes to make a lot of noise". Now I don't know about you but that does not sound like we are going to see a price cut and in the world of poker you just heard "I'll see your twenty and raise you fifty".

In fact when asked if Sony would consider price cuts Stringer said that is they did that they would "lose money on every PlayStation I make -- how's that for logic".

Now we wait to see who has what cards it could be that Activision is only holding a pair of twos looking to bluff, but on the other hand with some popular titles under their belt, coupled with growing XboX, Wii and PC game sales Activision could be holding aces over kings and Sony could be the ones bluffing.

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Foxconn and Pegatron Land Slim PS3 Contracts

Zac O'Vadka | Jul 1, 2009 10:39 PM CDT

Rumors have been flying around like crazy lately concerning the PS3 and it looks like Foxconn has confirmed at least one of them, maybe more.

Foxconn and Pegatron have landed a contract with Sony, each getting 50% of the orders on a new PS3. This would be the newer, slimmer redesign that many have been eagerly awaiting. Pictures of the slim PS3 were spotted and Sony swiftly sent a cease and desist notice to have them removed, adding some credibility to the spotting.

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Sony Patents PS2 Emulation Code

Sean Kalinich | Jun 30, 2009 12:28 PM CDT

According to Siliconica Sony filed for a patent on PS2 emulation for the PS3 Cell processor.

Now this is what is confusing, I had thought that Sony already had this some time ago (like when the PS3 came out). But it would seem that the patent was only filed back in December 2008 and only published about a week ago.

This new finding has added credibility to the rumors of a new PS3 coming soon, and now it would seem that it will have backwards compatibility.

Read more here

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New Rumor, Apple to make Game Console

Sean Kalinich | May 5, 2009 12:24 PM CDT

Oh the rumors the rumors! All about Apple, so many rumors, first we have an Apple netbook, then a new iPhone, then a new version of the iPod touch, Verzion deals and more!

The latest one is that Apple is returning to the console market. Yup that is right, all of those high profile hirings are nothing more than Apple building a console team.

The logic goes like this, Apple has a PPC CPU thanks to PA Semi, this is basically an SoC minus a GPU. Bring in all the ex ATi talent to fill that void, roll in a healthy and popular online content distribution center, all you would need is someone that is good with getting game consoles off the ground.

Apple filled that last gap with the hiring of XboX 360 guru Richard Teversham from Microsoft. You know it is starting to look like Apple picked up the whole XboX 360 team here.

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DX11 easy to work with for game devs

Sean Kalinich | Apr 23, 2009 1:30 PM CDT

According to an article at PCGamesHardware it looks like MS is learning to play the game with game developers. DirectX 11 will be easy for devs to port their existing DX10 and 10.1 game engines over to.

A developer at DICE said that the porting of the Frostbite Engine was done in about three hours with very little effort. About the only thing needed was search for and replace relevant code in the engine.

They also noted that CPU load should be decreased
Read more here.

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