Gaming - Page 2061
All the latest gaming news, with everything related to PlayStation releases (PS4 & PS5), Xbox, PC Games, Nintendo Switch & plenty more - Page 2061.
RumorTT: Microsoft to push PC gaming with Windows 8
Everyone talks about this - PC Gaming is dead/dying. It will always be here, but whether we get AAA+ titles that can only be played on PC and are not gimped or cut down because of console hardware limitations and their ports is the main argument.
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XIM allows mouse and keyboard use on your Xbox 360
Most people feel comfortable using an Xbox 360 controller, but a keyboard and mouse for FPS is a superior, easier and much, much more precise way of playing. It allows micro-movement of your aiming (while also being much faster) compared to much slower, un-precise aiming.
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Back to the Future: The Game goes 88mph on Wednesday!
Telltale Games are releasing the first episode of Back to the Future: The Game for PC and Mac on Wednesday. The game picks up 6 months after the end of the original movie trilogy.
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Doctoral student finds good and bad in dissertation for online gaming in college
There are numerous studies that have looked at gaming and the incidence of violence and other issues when it comes to players of games with violence. The studies come down on different sides of the topic often with some showing no link between video games and how people act in the real world and others showing an alleged link between games and real world behavior. A doctoral student at the University of the Rockies did her dissertation on the relationship between demographic factors, social anxiety, proneness to boredom, grade point average and Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game playing.
Blizzards leaked plans reveal next-gen MMO - codenamed "Titan"
Last week Blizzard's Five-Year plan was leaked, which had a few super-duper golden nuggets of information including a next-generation MMO coming in 2013.
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Razer Scarab hard mouse pad debuts
I have talked about the different types of PC gamers before when it comes to peripherals like mice and keyboards. Some like lots of macro capability some want smaller and more compact keyboards. The same goes for mice, some want low-resolution mice and others want high-resolution mice. Mouse pads typically have different sorts of gamers too. Some want a smooth and slippery hard surface; others want a textured cloth mat to suit their needs.
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Deus Ex: Human Revolution delayed
The new Deus Ex prequel was meant to be on shelves/digital distribution by March next year but it has been confirmed by the games publisher, Square Enix that it's pushed into the next fiscal year which begins in April 2011.
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Crysis 2 is a thinking mans shooter?
Crysis 2 is not far away (March 2011) and the closer we get to it's release, the more news, details, pictures and videos we see. It's been a long time since Crytek have pumped out another shooter and I'm beginning to seriously lick my lips at the thought of playing Crysis 2.
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WoW: Cataclysm - DX9 versus DX11 - huge performance increases!
Want some free performance increases for WoW: Cataclysm? Don't want to buy anymore hardware? Own a DX11-capable card? Well, look no further! Blizzard has added some experimental support for DX11 in Cataclysm, it doesn't add to the eye candy but it's added for increased performance.
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Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception teaser trailer, screenshots and details!
Lots of gaming news today - mainly because these games are some of the best in a series of games over the last few years and very, very popular to boot. Anyone who played Uncharted 2 would agree with me, right? Nod if you agree, yes, thanks!
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