Gaming - Page 2042
All the latest gaming news, with everything related to PlayStation releases (PS4 & PS5), Xbox, PC Games, Nintendo Switch & plenty more - Page 2042.
RumorTT: Xbox 720 is said to be smaller, cheaper than Xbox 360
Ah, RumorTT time, and today we have some news of the next-generation [gaming] console from Microsoft. Why did I put [gaming] in and not the actual word? Well, it might not be a hardcore gaming console after all. The Xbox 720 as its most commonly referred to, is reportedly codenamed "Loop".
Loop is said to be much smaller than the Xbox 360, will reportedly cost less to produce in the hopes of achieving higher Kinect adoption according to Microsoft leak blogger MS Nerd. The next-generation Xbox is also said to be based on a modified version of the yet-to-be-announced Windows 9.
Yep! Windows 9! MS Nerd also said that:
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Rainbow 6 Patriots announced, arrives in 2013
Rainbow 6 series' new title has been confirmed today called Rainbow 6 Patriots and is the latest Tom Clancy first-person shooter which won't see the light of day until 2013. This marks a five-year gap in between Rainbow Six console releases as the most recent of them was Vegas 2 in March 2008.
The wait is possibly at the fault of Vegas 2, which was criticized at the time for being too similar to the original Rainbow Six: Vegas, released in November 2006. The setting for Patriots hasn't been confirmed with the only nugget of information to go on is that it "captures the reality of modern-day terrorism". The game is being developed by Ubisoft Montreal, "with the support of" Ubisoft Toronto and Ubisoft Red Storm.
The single-player portion of the game is said to sport a dynamic storyline with multiple playable characters with the franchise doing a GTA V and apparently going in a "bold new direction". Ubisoft creative director David Sears says:
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Call of Duty Elite delayed on PC, will not launch with the game
You would think that a company the size of Activision would not let this happen so close to launch, especially since Elite was announced so long ago now. Alas, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Elite will not launch on PC with the game, and will be released sometime after the game itself.
This is due to the developers saying the PC is "insecure", where they're worried people will hack the system. Those statistics can't be hacked, it would cause the world to implode and would be equal to the consequences of dividing by zero! Beachhead Studio head Chacko Sonny says:
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Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand gameplay and premiere trailer!
If the TweakTown powers that be would allow me to do it, this post would simply say "Wow" followed by the trailer... but, we'll discuss it is a bit first. Battlefield 3 is obviously out and the first DLC Pack for it comes in the form of Back to Karkand. Back to Karkand features four of the most loved maps from Battlefield 2: Strike at Karkand, Sharqi Peninsula, Gulf of Oman and my personal favorite, Wake Island.
The expansion pack also sports new weapons, vehicles, persistence, and the return of the classic Conquest Assault. Better yet, those who pre-ordered will get Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand for free... yep, no extra charge. Those of you who didn't pre-order can purchase it on the same day for $14.99/1200 Microsoft Points.
The trailer is just awesome, I really wish the Battlefield 3 trailers were done in that way, it just looks... amazing. What I'd like to know is what is this "enhanced destruction" about, is it more than what we experience in Battlefield 3? If so, why? Is this something they'll switch on with an update to BF3? I hope so.
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive beta delayed
If you read my mini Editorial yesterday, you'd see that I'm not happy with the state of the gaming industry right now. Today is another day, and with it brings the news that Valve has delayed Counter-Strike: Global Offensive beta, after feedback given by professional Counter-Strike 1.6 players. The closed beta was planned for last month, and now has no start date.
Professional CS 1.6 players were invited by Valve to come and play the game and offer their thoughts. Valve's Chet Faliszek explained that their early access was granted because they could "talk intelligently about the game", versus the masses where constructive feedback can be quite hard to come by.
Faliszek didn't say when the closed beta will begin, but when it does begin, around 10,000 people will be invited to participate. "After that we'll grow it in steps as we get a test server infrastructure and scalability," he explained. For a full read of this news, where there are lots of quotes and snippets of news, check out the source.
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MechWarrior to stomp back into gaming in 2012, PC-exclusive
If you think back to 2009, you may remember a teaser trailer from Piranha Games for a new MechWarrior title. But recently, they announced MechWarrior Online, a free-to-play multiplayer mech simulator set in the Battletech universe.
In a dev blog, Creative Director of Piranha, Bryan Ekman, explained how the company's attempts to secure a publishing deal redefined and ultimately derailed the MechWarrior project they had planned. The original game was pitched as an Xbox 360/PC release, but "the scope and budget required to develop a console reboot needed the support of a PS3 SKU and we just couldn't convince publishers to take risk."
Now we have MechWarrior as a PC-exclusive, it will feature a first-person cockpit view, and Ekman hopes to include joystick support. Ekman has also bragged of urban combat zones and "information warfare" as MechWarrior Online's two big design pillars.
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Battlefield 3 development may have started on PC, but switched to consoles
DICE GM Karl-Magnus Troedsson has confirmed that development for Battlefield 3 switched from lead platform on PC to consoles half way through the development "in order to meet release on time". Troedsson elaborates:
Executive producer Patrick Bach chimes in:
The state of gaming today, if Quake was made today, this is what it would be
The state of gaming is in disarray, but the problem is that 90-percent of gamers don't really notice it. It's the old-school gamers, the early FPS titles that were remembered, the fast-paced, PC-exclusive, hardware-loving, crazy-insane FPS titles from the 90s that are the most enjoyed FPS games of all time. Back in a day when gaming wasn't mainstream, when a PC gaming system would give you hours of joy with hard games, not corridor shooters, with puzzles and hours of head-scratching now just simplified, easy games.
There's a video I found online, saying that if id Software's FPS defining Quake were built today, what would it be. Check it out below:
First we find there's a million and one load screens and advertisements before the game starts, as the game starts we find the main menu displayed. In the main menu is "new game", "options", "DLC" and "exit". The video shows "options" and within options, "graphics". Graphics has an awesome display of "on" and "off", which is taking the piss out of the current console ports like Crysis 2 which feature lack lustre graphic options when compared to even the original Crysis.
EA estimates 5 million copies of Battlefield 3 sold
It was only hours ago that we found out Battlefield 3 had shipped 10 million copies with retailers begging for more, but straight from EA itself, we find out that Battlefield 3 has an estimated 5 million sold in its first week of availability. That is a bloody good number, but what most people want to know is how the numbers are split between the consoles and PC versions of the game.
EA have also talked about the various stability issues with Battlefield 3 which have haunted it since the start. EA told Ars Technica:
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RumorTT: Battlefield 3 on Steam rumors flare up again
Guess who's back? The Battlefield 3 on Steam rumors are back, that's who. This time its thanks to a competition held by Sapphire, which was found on the Sapphire Select Club website. One of the prizes in this competition is "[o]ne (1) PC Game code for Battlefield 3, redeemable for the game on Steam". Of course, this could be a mistake on Sapphire's behalf.
Kotaku does raise an interesting point, that Sapphire are most likely so used to writing competition terms and conditions that usually reference Steam codes, that they just assumed it would be the same with this competition. But... there's also the PBSetup.exe file, which is used to install Punk Buster for Battlefield installs, has been updated and now shows the following install files:
C:Program Files (x86)Electronic ArtsBattlefield 3
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