Gaming - Page 2033
All the latest gaming news, with everything related to PlayStation releases (PS4 & PS5), Xbox, PC Games, Nintendo Switch & plenty more - Page 2033.
Valve and Bethesda release official Portal 2 mod for Skyrim
Well, to celebrate the release of Skyrim's new freshly-baked Creation Kit on Valve's Steam, Bethesda and the creators of Portal have joined forces and released an official mod for Skyrim. THis brings Portal 2's Space Core to Skyrim, how exciting!
This is how you keep your fans happy on both sides of the fence, Valve and Bethesda, FTW.
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Xbox 360 Kinect Star Wars Bundle & Game arrives April 3rd
We've talked about the Kinect Star Wars bundle before, when it was teased at last years Comic-Con, but now, we're closer than ever to having the Kinect Star Wars Bundle in our hands. Included in the bundle is "Kinect Star Wars", where the game teasing "With no controller in the way you can live out the ultimate "Star Wars" fantasy".
There are five dynamic modes available, Jedi Destiny: Dark Side Rising, Podracing, Rancor Rampage, Galactic Dance Off and Duels of Fate. Also included, and only announced today by Xbox 360 and LucasArts, are new additions to the game, including:
New experiences within Jedi Destiny Mode, including:
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Skyrim Creation Kit goes live, start creating your own mods
Ever wanted to create a mod for Skyrim? Come on, we know you have. Today you can. Bethesda have released their Creation Kit, which really lets Skyrim loose, and sets the boundaries to virtually infinity, and beyond.
The Skyrim Workshop and Creation Kit are free for anyone with a copy of Skyrim and a Steam account. Finding mods for Skyrim is as simple as visiting the Skyrim Workshop in the Steam Community. From there, you can browse the most popular, newest or highest-rated mods of all time. On top of this, you can specifically search for content via tags such as "Armor", "Quests", "Dungeons", and so on.
Creating your mod is a litter harder, of course, you'll need to install the Creation Kit, from the Tools section of your Steam Library. If you run into any problems, the wiki over at is an amazing resource for modders of all skill levels. When you've polished your mod and want to unleash it to the world, just choose "Upload plugin and archive to Steam", from within the File menu of the Creation Kit.
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Crytek's Cevat Yerli launches GFACE social networking beta
GFACE launched back in 2007, and until now it has been in "MAXIMUM STEALTH" mode. GFACE has been formed as a separate company headed by Crytek chief, Cevat Yerli. GFACE is designed to offer gamers a social networking site where they can communicate, collaborate, and play. GFACE's motto? 'Play. Together. Live.'
GFACE doesn't really bring anything new to the table, and it has some seriously hard competition in the form of Facebook, Google+, Steam, etc. Members do have the ability to view ongoing games live within their browser, all while they chat in both voice and text modes.
GFACE will be a freemium business model, where the core functionality of the new social networking service to remain free.
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Metro: Last Light delayed, won't see the light of day until 2013
THQ are going through some rough times, and those tough times are now pushing back to sequel to Metro 2033, Metro: Last Light. The game has been pushed back to an early-2013 release.
Developer, 4A games has said in a statement:
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Alan Wake arrives on PC February 16, "looks absolutely beautiful"
Alan Wake on PC has finally gotten a firm release date, just two weeks from now. February 16th is the day you should buy some batteries for your flashlight, and it has a decent price of just $30. Remedy have been putting a nice amount of polish on Alan Wake for PC, where it includes not just improved graphics, but multiple monitor support, and 3D.
Remedy's CTO, Markus Mäki has said:
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Battlefield 3 DLC to be revealed next week
In a conference call with EA's Vice President of Investor Relations, it was said to analysts:
The rumor of an 'all-American DLC' has come from some YouTube comments where they've stated:
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Where's Half-Life 3? 30,000+ gamers intend to find out
I'm one of these people. Where in the hell is Half-Life 3. My latest editorial even covers it, where the last words are "Where are you, Gordon Freeman?" We need him, and we need him now. There seems to be a push from the community, too, which is great.
A quote from the group:
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Valve games are now available through GameStop's Impulse
In a curious move, Valve have made some of their titles available through a rival digital distribution platform, Impulse. Impulse was acquired in 2011 by GameStop, which is another curious move. When your main source of income is from selling games, it would make sense to have some of PC's biggest games available on your platform.
Valve's games are now available through Impulse, which include Left 4 Dead and its sequel, Portal 2, The Half-Life Complete Collection and The Orange Box. Strangely, all games require Steam activation, which means you'd have to be using Steam at the end of the day. This hasn't affected Impulse, where they've said in a blog post:
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Sony will be the last to announce their next-gen console, PlayStation 4 probably won't make it until sometime between 2013-2016
According to the leader of Sony's French gaming division, Sony will most likely be the last to announce its next-generation console. Philippe Cardone, CEO of PlayStation France, told Le Point that they are in no rush to reveal details on their next-gen console.
This is fuelling rumors that Sony aren't even at a prototype design stage for the PS4, which means it can't be shown off to developers or at gaming events such as E3. Sony claims that there is "no pressure", but considering that Sony's console ranks third behind Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii, you would think they would be out of the "meh" stage and into the "we need to have another console out in 2 years, max."
With the Wii U launching this year, Microsoft's next-gen Xbox launching next year, Sony will be in a lot of trouble. Wii U won't have the best graphics, but once the next-gen Xbox comes out and stomps all over the PS3 in terms of functionality, features, and graphics... what will Sony do? Sit back and let Microsoft take all the glory? Sony needs to let the PS4 prototypes loose to companies, now.