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Peggle 2 scheduled to land of the Xbox 360 on May 7th

Charles Gantt | Mar 4, 2014 9:43 PM CST

Peggle was one of those games that you could not just spend a few minutes playing. I remember many nights spent trying to top my high scores and making the pegs disappear with as little balls as possible. The game grew to be so popular that entire websites popped up with hints and guides on how to beat it with as few moves as possible. When Microsoft announced that Peggle was returning during its Xbox One launch event, I was one of millions who instantly became excited.

Today Electronic Arts announced that Peggle 2 would be headed to the Xbox 360 on May 7th of 2014. The game will include Peggle Masters as well as a Duel mode in which players can challenge their friends in a heads up dual to see who can clear their pegs first. "With all the excitement from our fans in December at launch we knew we wanted to continue growing the Peggle universe starting with more content and then expand onto the Xbox 360," said John Vechey, General Manager at PopCap Games. "By offering the addition of Duel Mode, our fans will be able to challenge their friends continuously to find out who is the ultimate 'Peggle Master'."

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HBO to stream its shows on PlayStation 3 via HBO Go app

Roshan Ashraf Shaikh | Mar 4, 2014 9:19 PM CST

HBO GO has finally appeared on PlayStation 3. The online video service app from HBO was available for Xbox 360 and other devices for a very long time, but it look a very long time to make its app service available for for Sony's older game console.

Phil also pointed out that they are 'working diligently' with HBO to make the app available for Sony PlayStation 4.

Sony's Phil Rosenberg said via a blog post,"Watch every episode of every season of the HBO's best shows, including True Detective, Boardwalk Empire and Game of Thrones. Speaking of Game of Thrones, with the season 4 premiere airing on April 6th, you've got more than a month to get caught up on the first three amazing seasons. If you haven't seen the latest season 4 trailer, click here to check it out."

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Star Citizen dogfighting module will launch soon, after PAX East

Anthony Garreffa | Mar 4, 2014 7:29 PM CST

The Hangar Module for Star Citizen launched late last year, but the dogfighting module was delayed, disappointing fans. The creator of the game, Chris Roberts, has announced that the dogfighting module for the game will launch after PAX East.

Star Citizen's dogfighting module was due in December last year, but was delayed at the last minute. The module will appear at a premiere event just before PAX East for a special "citizens-only" event. Roberts wrote: "As I write this, the Star Citizen team is all around me hard at work on the dogfighting module. The team is scurrying to take care of thousands upon thousands of necessary details: variable damage states, HUD detailing, weapons cameras, engine sounds and countless other things that go into creating an immersive space combat experience. At this point, we can now regularly dogfight here in the office".

It looks like Star Citizen's servers backend was the biggest problem, where Roberts explained: "We have high hopes that the solution will be ready in time for launch ... and that that solution will stand up to the hundreds of thousands of citizens waiting to battle it out. The very success that Star Citizen has had in building such a large community so early in its development is also one of its most challenging - launching the [dogfighting module] will be akin to launching a major online game".

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Batman: Arkham Knight announced as next game in Batman franchise

Charles Gantt | Mar 4, 2014 4:48 PM CST

With Batman: Arkham Origins nearing its next DLC launch date, Warner Bros. has just announced the next title in the franchise. Batman: Arkham Knight will be the fourth installment in the blockbuster series that chronicles the efforts of the efforts of Bruce Wayne to cleanse the streets of Gotham City from the criminal scum that plague its streets.

Warner Bros. says that this will be the highest-detailed, and fully realized version of Gotham the series has seen, and the Batmobile will be derivable this time around as well. The game will arrive in late 2014 on the PS4 as well as the Xbox One, and PC. No word was given on an exact launch date and pricing was not mentioned either. Box art for the game has popped up on Reddit though.

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PS4 game console reaches 6 million units sold globally since launch

Shane McGlaun | Mar 4, 2014 10:07 AM CST

Back in late February, Sony offered up some details on the PS4 game console and the number of units sold globally since it launched. The numbers showed that as of February 18, the console had sold 5.3 million units globally. Sales in Japan have helped that number grow significantly in short order.

Sony announced yesterday that the PS4 game console has now reached 6 million units sold globally. That is a gain of around 700,000 units sold in only a couple weeks. Sony also detailed some other interesting items about the console.

There have been more than 3.6 million live broadcasts and 56 million spectate sessions via Twitch and Ustream from the PS4. Sony notes that PS4 gamers account for almost 20% of all daily broadcasts on Twitch. Another interesting tidbit is that the share button on the PS4 controller has been pressed over 10 million times.

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Watchdogs will release June 30th if a recent leak from Sony is true

Charles Gantt | Mar 4, 2014 9:30 AM CST

Watchdogs is one of the most highly anticipated games arriving on Sony's PlayStation 4 this year, but up until now, Sony has kept quiet about its launch date. We first got a glimpse of Watchdogs during PS4's launch event last year, and the game wowed us with its new style and ideas, but since then we have heard very little about the game other than a few features and specifications.

Today Sony accidentally let the release date for Watchdogs slip when it published the games launch date on its website. The leak says that Watchdogs will release on June 30, 2014, as well as showing a retail price of $59.99, and that 608 people have already rated it... This leak is most likely the result of a website developer testing functionality, and all the information could be false filler, that was entered for testing purposes.

Continue reading: Watchdogs will release June 30th if a recent leak from Sony is true (full post)

DICE officially addresses Battlefield 4's net code issues

Charles Gantt | Mar 3, 2014 2:07 PM CST

Today DICE released an official response to all of the complaints it has been receiving about issues revolving around Battlefield 4's "netcode." While the term netcode is made up by the community, the issues in Battlefield 4 are quite real and very much a nuisance. For some players lag, rubber banding, and pre-mature deaths are causing the game to be unplayable and it all seems to revolve around network connection issues.

DICE says that it is currently working on problems ranging between faulty networking latency compensation, to glitches in the game-play simulation itself. Before DICE went into any of its fixes, it described how the game actually works. "The game receives updates from the game server and displays these to the player using a system called latency compensation - this system makes sure players move around naturally on your screen when network updates arrive. We have found and fixed several issues with latency compensation, and thereby decreased the impressions of "one hit kills" in the game."

DICE has also fixed issues that cause rubber banding in the form of server optimization and is planning several more client-side fixes to reduce packet loss in an upcoming patch. This patch will also fix the Kill Cam animation from popping up prematurely and causing players to think they died before their health was deplenished. Additionally fixes for damage not registering for some users as well as a rare glitch that catapults some players at high speeds across the map resulting in death will be fixed as well.

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Recent leaks shows more Titanfall images, maps and modes

Roshan Ashraf Shaikh | Mar 3, 2014 10:55 AM CST

Information and images from upcoming game 'Titanfall' is still being leaked. This time it contained a lot of information about the game which was present on the files of the BETA version of the Windows version of the game. The leak was done by 'FallenFusion' in Reddit's Titanfall sub-reddit section.

The game's campaign will have nine matches: five rounds of death match called 'Attrition' which can be played as either Intersteller Manufacturing Corporation or Militia. There's also 'Capture the Flag' and 'Last Titan Standing'. The 5th game type is called 'Pilot Hunter' mode where killing every pilot (human) is killed, but killing the AI opponents would lower the time to earn titans and the ability to regenerate the titan core.

The leak contained a total of 10 screenshots which shows different maps and more. One of them was about 'Generations' where once the players reaches the level up cap, they can reset their progress. It will reset the player's experience, unlocks and completed challenges. What will not be reset is their Burn Card collection. What's more is that second generation pilots can earn experience 10% faster than the player's first gen counterpart. It was also revealed that the rate of experience boost increases as your player resets its experience and crosses to another generation.

Continue reading: Recent leaks shows more Titanfall images, maps and modes (full post)

Dark Souls 2 to be released on PC via Steam

Roshan Ashraf Shaikh | Mar 1, 2014 9:20 AM CST

Dark Souls 2 will be available for PC via Steam on April 25th. Earlier Amazon listed the release date for May 31st, but an advertisement of Dark Souls 2 'Collectors Edition' which contains an art book, a cloth game map, game, official t-shirt and 'Black Armour Weapon Set' DLC confirmed that the game will be released on April 25th.

It is said that the game will have 4 times more resolution than the console version of the game, but will come with a cap of 60 FPS. Meanwhile, the PS3 and Xbox 360 version pre-orders are on, and the console versions will be released on March 11 in North America, and March 14 in Europe.

Contrary to the advertisement, Namco Bandai given a Twitter response that it has not announced a release date yet, and that will present more information about the PC version 'soon'. Though the advertisement seems genuine, Namco Bandai didn't deny the official release date for PC either.

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Next-gen Wolfenstein game is 1080p at 60FPS on both Xbox One, PS4

Anthony Garreffa | Mar 1, 2014 7:25 AM CST

Bethesda has confirmed that Wolfenstein: The New Order will be running at 1080p, but also at a silky smooth 60FPS on both the next-gen consoles. Bethesda announced the news through a statement to GamingBolt, in a response to reports that the PS4 version of the game would be the higher fidelity version.

But, that was wrong, as both the Xbox One and PS4 will be running at 1080p at 60FPS. Bethesda put it simply: "The Xbox One version of Wolfenstein will run at 1080p/60fps". This is some good news for Microsoft's struggling next-gen console, which seems to be second-best to the PS4 when it comes to gaming horsepower.

Thief runs at 900p on the Xbox One, versus 1080p on the PS4, and Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes runs at 1080p on the PS4, versus the piddly 720p on the Xbox One.

Continue reading: Next-gen Wolfenstein game is 1080p at 60FPS on both Xbox One, PS4 (full post)

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