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Noctis gets fired up in these new Final Fantasy XV screenshots

Derek Strickland | Jan 25, 2016 5:35 PM CST

The long-awaited Final Fantasy XV is finally set to get a release date in a few months, and Square Enix is whetting our appetites with a few small snacks in screenshot form.

Square Enix's new batch of FFXV screenshots show off Noctis and company battling a variety of interesting baddies in open-world Lucis, and show off a glimpse at the devastating firaga spell. We also get a look at the most recently Active Cross Battle system display screen, which looks quite sleek and compact. Even still, I find the HUD lacking and too clean-cut, and it really doesn't remind me I'm playing a Final Fantasy game.

Apart from the new screens, the devs will be holding a brand new Active Time Report on Saturday,January 30 starting at 8:00PM PST on the Square Enix YouTube channel. The new show's theme will focus on magic, new battle system updates and footage, and the political strife between Lucis and the Niflgaard Empire.

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News on Fallout 4 console mods coming 'soon', Bethesda affirms

Derek Strickland | Jan 25, 2016 3:31 PM CST

Fallout 4 is a huge game, but after more than two whole months of play, the Commonwealth is wearing thin. Console gamers are running out of things to do. So what about those console mods that Bethsoft promised us? Bethesda teased a response, saying that we'll hear official word sometime in the near future.

News on Fallout 4 console mods coming 'soon', Bethesda affirms

Bethesda confirms that it'll be sharing new info on Fallout 4's console mod support "soon". "We'll be sharing more details soon. Stay tuned," the developers replied to a Twitter question concerning mods. Before you get excited, remember that Bethesda has yet to release Fallout 4's official modding tools on PC, and that playable console mods can only be created on PC.

So that means that PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players will only be able to download mods created by PC gamers, and there's obviously going to be a delay between the release of the modding tools and console mod support, so the community has an array of content built up.

Continue reading: News on Fallout 4 console mods coming 'soon', Bethesda affirms (full post)

Street Fighter V the first SF game to feature a full blown story mode

Jeff Williams | Jan 25, 2016 2:03 PM CST

Capcom just announced that they're going to be releasing an extended story mode for Street Fighter V coming up this June. This updated and extended story mode will be different then what'll be in the game when it releases.

The new story mode coming in June will add a lot of backstory to all the exuberant characters that are found in the game, letting even new players get fully acquainted with Street Fighter V. Capcom will have a mixture of real-time in-game engine cinematic's as well as over an hour of animated scenes to help bridge the gap between Street Fighter V and III, which will somehow be connected.

The main focus of the story will be on Ryu and M. Bison, though they haven't released any of the juicy details just yet on what direction the story will take. Hopefully they can cohesively explain the universe in a greatly connected fashion. Capcom plans on supporting Street Fighter V for a few years, which means we might see other story expansions in the future.

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Far Cry: Primal, new Tomb Raider joins list of 'uncrackable' PC games

Derek Strickland | Jan 25, 2016 11:28 AM CST

PC games piracy may be on its death knell thanks to new DRM tech called Denuvo Anti-Tamper, and more and more new PC games are starting to leverage the crack-proof software.

Far Cry: Primal, new Tomb Raider joins list of 'uncrackable' PC games

Far Cry: Primal and the Xbox One hit Rise of the Tomb Raider are the latest PC games to use Denuvo as a shield against warez crackers. With the aid of the Anti-Tamper tech, both games will effectively be piracy-free for months after their launch on PC. The first few months of sales are crucial for publishers, and Denuvo will ensure both Square Enix and Ubisoft are able to maximize their revenue as much as possible.

Denuvo integration was verified on Far Cry: Primal's EULA page, which reads: THE PRODUCT IS PROTECTED BY DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE ("DRM SOFTWARE") AND DENUVO ANTI-TAMPER PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY." As for Rise of the Tomb Raider, the official CrackStatus Reddit posted up proof from a CodeFusion Support page, but the image is no longer available. The site is, however, registered to Denuvo exec Reinhard Blaukovitsch, and reports suggest that CodeFusion technology is owned by Denuvo.

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So, Bungie won't be charging real money for in-game ammo afterall

Jeff Williams | Jan 25, 2016 10:54 AM CST

A rumor apparently was going around that Bungie and Activision were going to start charging real-world money, microtransactions, for in-game ammunition. That you ammo would be limited only to those with the money to afford it.

But thankfully that rumor is actually incredibly false. Activision spoke to Game Informer regarding the rumor that sprouted up from a single source at VG24/7, and they rather pointedly said that "We're not doing that."

Can you imagine what would happen if a simple in-game resource were relegated to being paid for? If Destiny were having player retention issues now, the game could have been abandoned very quickly as a result of this move. As much as microtransactions do help pay for the upkeep of servers and keep MMO's going, ammo would be a horrible move on anyone's part.

Continue reading: So, Bungie won't be charging real money for in-game ammo afterall (full post)

Xbox One tips: how to manually eject a disc

Derek Strickland | Jan 25, 2016 10:30 AM CST

Current-gen consoles don't have disc trays you can exactly force open. So what happens when your Xbox One simply won't eject a disc? Before you wait forever on Microsoft Customer Support, use this easy tutorial to grab your disc back from the console's hungry maw.

Xbox One tips: how to manually eject a disc

Dealing with a malfunctioning games console is incredibly frustrating. You've spent a good $300 or so on hardware, and you damn well expect it to work. As we all know, there are no guarantees when it comes to hardware--games or otherwise--but there are a few easy homemade fixes you can do in order to alleviate the situation. If your Xbox One's disc drive is on the fritz and won't eject your disc, then break out your paperclips and let's get cracking.

PC disc drives can be manually forced open with a paper clip, and apparently so can Xbox Ones. First, unhook the console's power and extra plugs, separating it from everything else. With the console facing you, rotate it counter-clockwise so you see the extra USB port and silver button. With the light shining on this side of the console, look through its vents for a little orange dot--this is where the manual eject pinhole is located.

Continue reading: Xbox One tips: how to manually eject a disc (full post)

Endless Legend getting another expansion, a new race and major faction

Jeff Williams | Jan 25, 2016 9:03 AM CST

Endless Legend, one of the best 4X strategy games to grace PC gaming, is getting another expansion pack in April, called Shifters.

Shifters adds a new faction called the Allayi that's able to "shift" during long winters, so they aren't quite as effected by the economic down-turn that comes from the colder weather. They're also adding in a new resource that you can collect called the Pearls of Auriga which will let you unlock new powers through the Altar of Auriga, which can help suitably alter the impact that Winter has on your units.

The new expansion is expected to land sometime in April, and if it's anything like the other expansions that they've had, the integration will be deep and the actual value will be quite high. Amplitude Studios puts a lot of effort into creating the lore and backstory, and it shows in the quality of their games.

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Mighty No. 9 delayed once again, this time matchmaking doesn't work

Jeff Williams | Jan 25, 2016 7:56 AM CST

The side-scrolling action adventure MIghty No. 9 has been delayed, again, from its original February 9th release until sometime later in the Spring while some trifling issues are dealt with.

The developer posted on the games blog as well as on their Kickstarter explaining that they've been having critical network mode issues that prevented the experience from being what they intend it to. So in order to try to maintain a February release date, and not push it back any further, they'll be dedicating themselves to resolving those issues, even up to the last minute before release.

Continue reading: Mighty No. 9 delayed once again, this time matchmaking doesn't work (full post)

Bethesda releases new screenshots of Doom, showing off some enemies

Anthony Garreffa | Jan 25, 2016 3:15 AM CST

Bethesda has released new screenshots of id Software's Doom reboot, which will be released later this year. The new screenshots, we have below for your viewing pleasure.

As for the new screenshots, sure - they look good. But they really don't look great. After watching the gameplay reveal trailer during E3 2015, it felt so watered down and slow to the first-person shooter that really started it all. I want to reserve judgement, but I think we're going to be disappointed with Doom on the PC, as they're having to cater to console gamers and their controllers - versus the fast-paced mouse and keyboard action we're used to on the PC.

There are plenty of more in the full story, with another 13 images to check out.

Continue reading: Bethesda releases new screenshots of Doom, showing off some enemies (full post)

Remedy solved performance issues in Quantum Break with DirectX

Anthony Garreffa | Jan 25, 2016 1:14 AM CST

With the Game Developers Conference right around the corner, Quantum Break developer Remedy Entertainment will talk about how they were able to get through performance and efficiency issues on the Xbox One.

Remedy used their in-house Northlight engine for Quantum Break, with the developer explaining: "Northlight is Remedy Entertainment's in-house game engine which powers Quantum Break. In this presentation we discuss how various rendering performance and efficiency issues were solved with DirectX, and suggest design guidelines for modern graphics API usage".

We will also learn about the impressive AI used in Quantum Break, with Remedy Entertainment's Head of PR, Thomas Puha, saying that some of the big issues with Quantum Break was the weak AI. At the time, the AI wasn't fully baked, so the gameplay footage we saw wasn't indicative of the final game. He said: "So a lot of the footage you have seen is from summer 2015 for Gamescom. AI really was not done at that point, hence the enemies in the trailers don't seem to give you much fight".

Continue reading: Remedy solved performance issues in Quantum Break with DirectX (full post)

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