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Burnout developer announces Dangerous Golf, has a 'nod to NBA Jam'

Anthony Garreffa | Jan 26, 2016 11:32 PM CST

Announcing their game completely out of nowhere, Three Fields Entertainment has unveiled Dangerous Golf. The developer is a British studio made up of former Criterion developers, with Criterion being the developer behind the infamous Burnout series.

Dangerous Golf, as TFE explains: "Dangerous Golf is an irreverent, silly, fun approach to golf games that challenges players to break the rules and wreak havoc on more than 100 holes in four unexpected locations. It's as serious a golf game as Burnout was a serious simulation to driving games. We wanted to mix the attitude of Burnout with the destruction of Black whilst setting the golf ball on fire - a nod to NBA Jam. This type of gameplay is part of our DNA, and something we think our fans will truly enjoy".

The game features the latest technology, where it's powered by Unreal Engine 4 and uses NVIDIA's PhsyX, APEX and FleX technologies. TFE added: "Our team worked closely with both Epic's Unreal Engine 4 team and NVIDIA to not only push the boundaries of their PhysX, Apex Destruction and Flex technologies, but also to deliver a truly physics based game experience. As such, players will enjoy causing amazing destruction by smashing thousands of physically simulated rigid body valuables, shatter priceless heirlooms into small pieces and paint the environments with physically simulated liquids".

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Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass detailed, a lot more maps coming

Jeff Williams | Jan 26, 2016 5:54 PM CST

EA has released all of the details about the forthcoming DLC for Star Wars Battlefront as part of their Season Pass. And there's even some free content on the way as well.

The Season Pass, controversial as it is, seems to bring the infusion of content that the game should have had when it was released. There's going to be four new expansions coming out starting in March of this year. Each one will slowly introduce us to more maps, 16 in total, weapons and vehicles to choose from. They're also bringing new game modes for us to play with that should help to keep things interesting.

Aside from the paid Season Pass content, EA and DICE plan on releasing some free goodies to those that don't want to pay for the DLC. They'll have a new Survival mission set on Hoth and a new Hoth multiplayer map that'll support larger game modes as well, such as Walker Assault and Supremacy. The full details of everything coming out is below, after the break.

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Cool mod turns the classic Jedi Academy into a fighting game

Jeff Williams | Jan 26, 2016 2:01 PM CST

Thankfully LucasArts and Raven Software released the source code for Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy letting modders have the power to do some pretty amazing things with an already great base game. And already people have been re-exploring the game with some interesting results.

One of the most interesting mods to come from the generosity of Raven Software is Jedi Fighter, a mod that transforms the game into something that plays homage to some of the more classic fighting games, like Street Fighter II. It's a battle of good versus evil, with five different locations from a TIE hanger bay to Hoth and more. They've added in 10 characters from the expanded universe, ones that might be familiar. And of course it has the obligatory dynamic camera so you can have a cinematic view of the action.

It's the Star Wars fighting game we've been waiting for, the one we never knew we really wanted. It's fast paced and looks quite nice actually. In order to play the mod, you'll have to download the OpenJK engine to get it to work.

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Roller Coaster madness, Planet Tycoon gets a sweet new dev diary

Jeff Williams | Jan 26, 2016 11:59 AM CST

Frontier Developments, the developer behind Elite: Dangerous, just released a new developer diary that gives a pretty nice inside look into Planet Coaster, the roller coaster theme park simulation game that they're working on. And the work they're doing seems to be pretty fantastic so far.

David Braben took the stage at the PC Gamer show at E3 last year to dropped a small nugget to an enthusiastic crowd. Roller coasters are fun in real-life, and who doesn't want to make their own theme-park in glorious 3D and use VR to explore it?

The new five minute dev diary shows off some of the tools that you can use to build your own personal nightmare machines.They also explain how you can share your creations with others by publishing them online. The game engine, Cobra, looks great, and is shared with Elite: Dangerous. It's nice to see how adaptive it is. The game itself looks like a lot of fun, with the way you can create nearly anything with real-world physics too. The shared underlying engine means that VR is a distinct possibility.

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Final Fantasy Explorers probes its way onto the 3DS today

Jeff Williams | Jan 26, 2016 11:08 AM CST

Final Fantasy Explorers is finally out for the 3DS in the west, and it lets you take on some familiar roles while you quest for that blasted Grand Crystal that seems to always be needed.

The quest for the Grand Crystal, a recurring theme in Final Fantasy lore, is crucial for the stability of the world. And you certainly can't go it alone, so you'll be able to take up to four different players, other humans via the Nintendo Network or even locally. Connect, then go forth and explore the world.

There'll be 20 classic and highly customizable jobs that you can choose from. Be a Dragoon (like the legendary Kain), Black Mage, Paladin and much more. You'll be limited to eight skills that you'll be able to use, though. But those skills you use? They can be available in other jobs too, when you master them. And if you're feeling frisky and like a fight, you'll have the chance to turn into some legendary Final Fantasy heroes from other games, like Cloud and Tifa.

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Homefront: The Revolution set for at least a years worth of DLC

Jeff Williams | Jan 26, 2016 9:01 AM CST

Homefront: The Revolution is going to be supported with new content for at least a year, the studio told Gamespot.

Fasahat Salim, whose a game designer at Dambuster Studios, had a lot more to say, too. There's definite plans for DLC for at least a year, meaning deeply integrated story content that'll be well worth the the download. They have a unique way in which they'll introduce it too. When they're finished making new missions, they'll be released to the public to play. No waiting for a full DLC pack, and no paying for it either.

You read that right. There are no plans for a traditional season pass, or map packs do be bought later. Everything that's available in the game will be free. That doesn't mean you won't have to work for it though. But all content will be free. Even the microtransaction-based loot drops will only contain items that can be obtained in the game for free.

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Platinum's new TMNT game is the best Turtles game I've ever seen

Derek Strickland | Jan 26, 2016 8:31 AM CST

Platinum Games is making a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game--yes, really--and it looks absolutely incredible. In fact, I might go so far as to say that Mutants In Manhattan looks like the best TMNT game I've ever seen, and that's not something anyone should take lightly.

Platinum's new TMNT game is the best Turtles game I've ever seen

Activision has just officially announced TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan with a new reveal trailer, showing off some serious turtle power action. Platinum's distinct cell-shading graphics are carried over from their last Transformers venture, and the style is a perfect blend of classic Mirage and IDW comic styles.

What makes the footage so utterly captivating is the action-packed chaos that our shelled heroes inflict. Leo, Mike, Ralph and Mikey wreak some serious havoc on the streets of Manhattan, with a ton of fast-paced ninjutsu combos and attacks that dominate foes.

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Over 10,000 bugs were fixed in The Division before the upcoming beta

Jeff Williams | Jan 26, 2016 7:47 AM CST

Ubisoft is very proud of their creation, Tom Clancy's The Division and with how they've handled a more open development cycle this time around. They certainly don't want to repeat some of their past mistakes.

To help bring back consumer confidence, they've posted the patch notes for the version we'll be playing in the upcoming closed beta. And Ubisoft tells us that they and their alpha testers have found and fixed nearly 10,000 different bugs and glitches. So the closed beta should be mostly a smooth experience. Or at least you won't find yourself suddenly floating over Manhattan.

They're turning a new leaf, it would seem, when it comes to development. Despite the negativity that persists due to historically buggy and "bad" releases of games, Ubisoft's corporate culture wants to change so that it can better support the developers and their actual goals of making awesome gaming experiences.

Continue reading: Over 10,000 bugs were fixed in The Division before the upcoming beta (full post)

Sony launches new PlayStation division, will focus on VR, PS5 and more

Derek Strickland | Jan 26, 2016 6:32 AM CST

Since Sony's PlayStation 4 is utterly dominating the current console market with tons of global sales, it's only natural for the Japanese console-maker to invest pretty heavily into the brand's future. To ensure the momentum keeps going, Sony has announced a new division that's totally dedicated to the PlayStation brand.

Sony launches new PlayStation division, will focus on VR, PS5 and more

The new division is called Sony Interactive Entertainment and it will serve as the headquarters for everything PlayStation, according to Sony President Shawn Layden. "We are announcing the formation of a new company called Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC (SIE) that will serve as the headquarters for everything PlayStation. This new company will power the next 20 years of PlayStation innovation. It will be headquartered out of the United States in San Mateo, California, joins the forces of both Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Sony Network Entertainment LLC, combining the strengths and talents of both companies."

Sony Interactive Entertainment will focus on the next two decades of PlayStation hardware and content, including PlayStation VR virtual reality gaming, the upcoming PlayStation 5 console, and expanded content offerings like Sony's TV-streaming-over-PS4 service PlayStation Vue.

Continue reading: Sony launches new PlayStation division, will focus on VR, PS5 and more (full post)

Newzoo says this year is a 'pivotal' one for the eSports market

Anthony Garreffa | Jan 26, 2016 12:21 AM CST

The eSports world continues to expand, with research firm Newzoo and its new '2016 Global eSports Market Report' out, saying that 2015's total worldwide eSports revenue was $325 million.

$325 million might sound like a lot, but Newzoo expects the eSports economy to grow 43% to $463 million this year. The research firm attributes the 43% growth to an audience of 131 million, eSports enthusiasts along with another 125 million "occasional viewers who tune in mainly for the big international events". Newzoo said that global and local eSports markets should generate around $1.1 billion in 2019.

Digging deeper into the research, Newzoo said that investment into and advertising around eSports continues to expand rapidly. Newzoo said: "This year has been dominated by the amount of investors getting involved in eSports. An increasing amount of traditional media companies have become aware of the value of the eSports sphere and have launched their first eSports initiatives. With these parties getting involved, there will be an increased focus on content and media rights. All major publishers have increased their investment into the space, realizing that convergence of video, live events and the game itself are providing consumers the cross-screen entertainment they desire from their favorite franchises".

Continue reading: Newzoo says this year is a 'pivotal' one for the eSports market (full post)

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